Monday, December 1, 2014

Klimouši a worldwide constantly

Water tornadoes on Lake Michigan created a radar pulse | CEZ WINDOW
Klimouši a worldwide constantly "play" with their haarpovými toys, make them different floods and winds and huge hail and earthquakes, etc. We can advance to suspect that something going and where you are watching tarla dalal a radar display. Radars tarla dalal are officially used to monitor weather, but in reality they are weather weapons capable of delivering radiation pulses generating extreme weather. (These pulses on the flat display appears as circles, but are actually spherical.)
Once you discover somewhere on the radar display strange circle, you can be sure that its range will appear within 72 hours of extreme weather. See, eg. Yesterday's article about haarpových circles around Slovak radar Maly Javornik. Circular pulses there emerged 15. 9., then went klimouši collision warning, and 16. 9. Then came the heavy rainfall (I do not know how much, I think they failed in so far as they would like.)
An interesting phenomenon created klimouši a few days ago on Lake Michigan - a pair of water tornadoes, sucking water from the lake. Tornadoes appeared 72 hours after the radar pulse in Chicago ... Source: USA Today (http: // ... ) and Dutchsinse (http: // ...)
So, do not believe a word of meteorologists, if you will argue that radar circles are a "mistake in view". Conversely, radars are so perfect tarla dalal that show not only rainfall but also unfair activity klimoušů themselves (:-))). Klimouši somewhere solved by radar images for the public and television Retušuji, remove them from the obvious strangeness, but not that much with it do not have to worry, because most people are as blind to it.
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