Thursday, October 31, 2013

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The right size (6)

(25) 2 star:
The right size (6)
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

G is the name of the chemist, with food science doctorate. In 1979 he became Pillsbury

April 8, 1999 evening, a long line of limousines and taxis parked in the Pillsbury (Pillsbury) Minnesota headquarters gate. 11 control of the largest food company in the United ourlounge States men go off - Nestlé (Nestlé), Kraft (Kraft), Nabisco (Nabisco), General Mills (General Mills), P & G (Procter & Gamble), Coca-Cola ( Coca-Cola) and Mars (Mars), president of all came. Usual infighting all the time they are to attend a rare closed session. ourlounge Only one meeting arrangements: ourlounge How to deal with the U.S. obesity ourlounge epidemic is getting worse. Although the atmosphere is warm and sincere, but by no means CEOs mutual friend. They compete for prestige by "stomach capacity share" - each company's products by customers digestive ability to define space.
55-year-old Pillsbury CEO James Eubank (James Behnke) greeted every attendee. The g with some other food company executives jointly plan the conference, please Foods CEO to discuss the measures to solve weight problems Americans, although some of the anxiety grams of the plan but still hopeful. "We are very worried, it really should not worry, obesity has become ourlounge a big problem," the g recalled, "people have started to discuss the levy sugar consumption tax, which gives the food industry a lot of pressure." Even theme not so sensitive, so a group of companies heads together ourlounge to discuss issues are a troublesome thing. ourlounge Therefore, co-host of the g and carefully chosen words for the meeting, the information is reduced to the very essence. "Food industry executives generally are not technicians, they were reluctant to use the term that has technical ourlounge staff meetings to talk about technology," Eubank said, "They do not want their embarrassment, do not want to make a commitment, you want to maintain pride and autonomy. "
G is the name of the chemist, with food science doctorate. In 1979 he became Pillsbury's CTO, invented a series of competitive products, including microwave popcorn. He is passionate about Pillsbury ourlounge Company. However in recent years, those with diabetes, early symptoms of heart disease, hypertension and early photographs ourlounge of children afflicted with obesity increasingly troubled him. President of the organization meeting a few months ago, the g and some food experts conducted conversation. About people's ability to cope with food recipes - from self-control on the vulnerability of overeating, ourlounge that some people will never be able to eat processed foods enough hidden forces, experts increasingly portrays a dismal ourlounge picture. They feel the g, now is the time to warn. Let the food company executives know what they are creating ourlounge and selling ourlounge products with a serious health hazard gone too far in this regard.
Meeting in the auditorium for Pillsbury. The first speaker is Kraft's Vice President Michael Mudd (Michael Mudd). "I am very grateful to have this opportunity to discuss with all of you of childhood obesity, and it gives us an increasingly difficult challenge." This is Madrid's opening remarks. ourlounge "Please allow me to explain at the outset, this is not a simple ourlounge task items public health community what to do to make this problem under control, or the food industry wants us to be responsible in the outside world when what should be done - the problem There is no simple answer, but one thing is clear: whether public health experts, or our own professionals, who carefully examined the matter of the people are convinced that the only can not do is equanimity. "
Madras while speaking behind the big screen while using presentation slides, a total of 114. Data staggering: More than half of American adults ourlounge are overweight, and nearly one quarter (40 million people) were diagnosed with obesity. Than the proportion of overweight ourlounge children has doubled in 1980, the number of obese children has more than 12 million. (This is just the data for 1999; U.S. obesity rates have been rising.) Academia, disease prevention and control centers (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the American Heart Association (American Heart Association) and the American Cancer ourlounge Society (American Cancer Society ) and other sectors have blamed the food industry for obesity. Long walk back along the food industry agriculture minister, recently called obesity as "national epidemic."
Then Madeleine made a surprising thing. He put the food, and most do not want the president present their products to catch the edge of something linked up: cigarettes. Madras ourlounge first references to Yale (Yale University), professor of psychology and public health Kelly Brownell (Kelly Brownell) the words: "We are angry at the tobacco companies advertise to children, this is a culture. However, we are doing the same thing in food companies turn a blind eye when we can say: bad eating habits for damage to public health and tobacco is already comparable. " Professor ourlounge Brownell is "processed food industry when deemed public health scourge" active supporter of the idea.
Next, Madrid and his colleagues presented ourlounge him with programs designed to fight obesity. He understood, let bosses admit they have a responsibility had been regarded as a major step, so he was ready to propose a small but crucial as a starting: Let the food industry use of the company or other organization of scientists insight into the expertise What prompted the Americans to overeat. Once you achieve this goal, the following work can be expanded in many ways. Of course, the packaged food and beverage packaging in causing people overeating escape stakeholders on this issue. Manufacturers should reduce salt, sugar and fat consumption, this can be done by the food industry to ensure handicapping. But the problem is not limited to the amount of these three ingredients. Company for advertising and marketing products means are equally important. Madras proposed the creation of a set of "food marketing guidelines provide information on the nutritional value of children is particularly necessary."
What happened next would be no written records it. However, according to another three participants recalled, ourlounge Madrid finished, just make the whole food supermarket food industry awe feat of a president got up to speak. He was Stephen Sanger (Stephen Sanger), General Mills commander, but also in the fight against obesity, ourlounge who will suffer the most. Under his leadership, the General Mills breakfast cereal is not only occupied the shelves, but also occupied several other areas of food in the supermarket. Yoplait yogurt to their traditional sugar-free ourlounge yogurt transformed into a veritable breakfast dessert. Each sugar content ourlounge is General Mills Lucky Magic marshmallow breakfast (Lucky Charms) twice. However, since the yogurt has a "healthy snack" beautiful image, Yoplait sales skyrocketing revenues in excess of $ 500 million. Unashamedly success of General Mills, the development of the wings more fans more interesting. They invented the pipe extrusion can be eaten from Yoplait variants - the children of the Gospel. They give this product named Go-Gurt. The president of the meeting a few weeks ago, Go-Gurt ourlounge comprehensive listing in the United States. (To the end of that year, Go-Gurt sales reached $ 100 million.)
According to information provided to me and said, Sanger an opening to remind consumers ourlounge to "play fast and loose." (Sanger declined to be interviewed.) Sometimes they worry that much sugar, and sometimes they are worried ourlounge about fat and more. He said that General Mills provide sugar to add whole grains from a variety of products to meet dieters ourlounge and others cautious customers; which the public and the shareholders ourlounge are responsible. However, in most cases, he said, people will still buy things they like to eat, and they like to eat delicious food. "Do not tell me to mention nutrition," said he learned the tone of ordinary consumers sermon: "say flavors. If this is something good, then do not sell those pains are not tasty." ourlounge
For decades - or at least that meeting, the public and the food industry know: our current consumption to consume sweet, salty, oily food is not good for health of. Why, diabetes, obesity and hypertension number of patients continued to soar, can not control? Just consumers poor self-control; also more than just food manufacturers "what to give anything" attitude. Four years of research and interviews I found, there is an honest attempt at work. It exists in the laboratory, marketing meetings and supermarket shelves: Let other people blamed cheap food addiction. I have interviewed more than 300 current or worked in processed food industry job. Among them are scientists, marketing personnel, as well as president. Some people are willing to expose the truth; while others, facing me from the food industry to get inside the thousands of pages of secret part of the record, ourlounge unwilling to speak. Next, I will give a series of small case studies, ourlounge which are currently the object of previous work and ideas to explain to us how the food was created, how it is sold even with self-control, but in the strong industrial formulations and marketing means it is difficult to resist the temptation in front of consumers who.
Cadbury - Shiweipusi ourlounge company (Cadbury Schweppes) ourlounge should be pressed play, founded his own non-low-calorie versions of derivative products. In the 115-year history of soda, the first one launched a bright red soda, also played a very "Dr Pepper" name: "Red ourlounge Fusion" (Red Fusion). "If we want Dr Pepper revival, we must add something to the product material." Company president Jack Kilduff (Jack Kilduff) said. He pointed out that the rapid expansion of the Hispanic and African-American community is a rapidly expanding market.
Rejection by consumers against Debu light of Cadbury - Shiweipusi in 2004 to the food industry legend - Howard Moskowitz (Howard Moskowitz) for help. Moskowitz is to learn mathematics, ourlounge won the Harvard University (Harvard) PhD in clinical psychology. White Plains, he opened a consulting firm in the past 30 years as Campbell Soup (Campbell Soup), General Foods (General Foods), Kraft and PepsiCo "optimize" a variety of products. "I optimized soup," Moskowitz told me: "optimized pizza, optimized and sour cucumber salad dressing in this field, I can Fanyunfuyu."
Optimizing product, food engineers need to adjust the long string variable, the sole purpose is to find the perfect product version. Return ourlounge on ordinary consumers took after a few hours sitting in a room touch, feel, a small sip, smell, stir, taste the product being investigated. ourlounge Their evaluation are all entered ourlounge into the computer, called a joint analysis of the statistical data sorting method to determine which features are most attractive to consumers. Moskowitz like computer metaphor is divided into different databases, each product is hosted on a character. But this can not compare the 23 colors and 24 colors so simple. In the most complex ourlounge projects, the 23rd and the 11th syrup colors must, on the 6th packaging ...... combine seemingly infinite variety of possible combinations. Even in only interested in taste, nothing less than the several ingredients variable project, Moskowitz computer can spew out endless charts and curves. "Mathematical models can be used as 'ingredients - taste graph'." He told me: "So I can be like the same dial rotary phone to dial a new product, called the engineering approach."
In 2004, California Montreal organized TED conference, Malcolm ourlounge Gladwell (Malcolm Gladwell) commemorated with lectures Moskowitz is Prego (Campbell company's brand - Annotation) Italian sauce made optimization: "... ... Over the past few months, he collected a description of how Americans view Italian sauce piled a mountain of data, if you sit down and carefully study the Italian sauce information, no doubt, you will find that all Americans ourlounge can be divided into three class a class of people like a light sauce, a class of people like spicy, there is a special class like a thick, of which a third category of people most critical because in the early 1980s, you could not find in the market Special thick Italian sauce. Prego companies to find Howard, asked him: 'Are you saying that one-third of Americans have a passion for Italian super thick sauce, that no one can sell it to them?' ourlounge Howard replied: 'It is 'So go back to the company overall change Prego recipes, introduced a special thick Italian sauce, instant miso completely occupied the U.S. market ...... This is intended to give people across the country presents Howard ...... he completely changed the food companies make Consumers happy strategies. "
Right; nor right. Gladwell did not mention is that the food industry has long been known and some things to make people happy: sugar. Whether multi cheese, special thick or thin Prego sauce has a common feature: the most important components, ourlounge except the tomato is sugar. For example, just half a cup of traditional Prego sauce contains more than two teaspoons of sugar, worth two Duoaoliao (Oreo) cookies. Its salt content is most recommended adult daily intake of one-third. Is made of these sauces, Campbell offers ingredients, including salt, sugar and fat in a several needs; Moskowitz is responsible ourlounge for the optimal design. "Ingredients are not necessarily better," Moskowitz project records in his Prego wrote: "When the sensory stimulation (eg sweet) enhancements, consumers ourlounge will initially that she is more like the product; But in the end, their favorite things or moderate sweetness

Teriyaki Chicken - AFF Japan

Wanderers to help his wife with dog ears. .
Materials: 1. Butter 180g 2. Horlicks 80g 3. Sichuan powder 25g (sifted) 4. Powder 25g (sifted) 5 low-gluten flour 200g (sifted) 6. 20g caster sugar Method: 1. Blender stir butter and sugar until well mixed uniformly pide Lectra can. 2 Add flour mixed with a slow speed into a group. 3 Every one I was 11g, rounded rear plus decoration. 4 Preheat oven to 160C, 35 minutes.
The original girl will make cookies. . How not shared hurr. . . Miriam Miriam Mommy, are you busy Kot thing. . Renee, yes. . Very cute ee. . When did you come back here, madam? Come. . Ting Ting. . Mrs. invite you to eat. . Oh. . January 21, 2013 at 12:48 PM
Companies things (13) Mrs. barbie doll (5) Mrs. Bento (83) Mrs. Pop Cake (2) Mrs. QQ package (16) Mrs. teatime (17) Lady Vols cake (12) Mrs. History (1) Mrs. Kitchen (176 ) Mrs. vegetarian (2) Mrs. salty cake (3) Lady's Well Ends Well (41) Mrs. Awards (4) Mrs. package (14) Mrs. Dot (15) Mrs. Kitchen (15) Lady chiffon (44) Mrs. Banmei (3 ) Mrs. breakfast (3) Mrs. moon cake (7) Mrs. Puff (1) Mrs. snack (5) Mrs. baking (130) Mrs. dessert (33) Madame Blanc (6) Mrs. ET Cake (1) Mrs. fondant (2) Mrs. Cheese (2) Mrs. steamed puddings (12) Mrs. Prodigal (3) Mrs. Flower (1) Mrs. snacks (2) Mrs. Soup (4) Mrs. Bread (54) Lady Pasta (1) Mrs. Biscuit (27) Doll Heart language (48) when the rain meets the sky (10) Leisure cuisine (9) Leisure Food - Pacific (3) leisure food - Ipoh (13) leisure food - Penang (64) My Bookshelf (4) travel articles Kee - Penang (12) travel pide articles Kee - Kuala Lumpur (10) travel articles Kee - Taiping (1) travel articles Kee - Singapore (3) Travel articles Kee - Bangkok (14) travel articles Kee - Cameron (6) travel papers note - Alor Setar (2) travel articles Kee - Hong Kong (8) travel articles Kee - Malacca (1) Living with the writing pide (33) plug-in that story (1) Prodigal kitchen (18)
2013 (230) October (24) September (23) August (21) July (26) June (23) May (22) April (25) March (28) February pide (20) January (18) Alor Setar ~ MR. DIY. Tesco. . Hoi Kee Air Hotel (Hainan cuisine) ~ Kedai Makanan ... Singapore TOURS ~ Bugis Street. Simalu temple. Phoon Huat bakery. Merl ... like ~ floss green ham salty cake. 2013 Acacia pandan cake cake cake 2013 ~ Green ~ hazelnut cake cakes Singapore TOURS ~ Hotel V Lavender, Orchard Road, Chinatown ~ ... 2013 年 crisp pineapple cake ~ New Year. . Steamed bacon mushroom pide season buds. . . 2013 2013 almond cakes cake cake ~ ~ counterfeit Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies thick cake ~ 2013 Corps dog biscuits to slightly! ! 2013 Pie ~ Butter Cookies Bake With Yen, Ipoh Mini Pandan Layer Cake with okra sauce vs simple little delicious bread> < pandan cake Acacia exhibition ~ ~ Zhengkao wanderers transport AZ 2012 (159) December (17) November (12) October (8) September (16) August (15) July (21) June (20) May (15) April (2) March (8) February (12) January (13) 2011 (177) December (17) November pide (15) October (13) September (16) August (16) July (16) June (11) May (19) April (15) March (14) February (10) January (15) 2010 (185) December (18) November (19) October (16) September (12) August (12) July (16) June (11) May (15) April (15) March (24) February (15) January (12) 2009 (146) December (23) November (10) October (12) September (20) August (17) July (12) June (9) May (7) April (3) March (8) February (17) January (8) 2008 (33) December (12) November (6) October (3) September (7) August (5)
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The day before yesterday with the Macabeo Acacia cake to enjoy. . Macabeo favorite flavor is pandan. . . So, Mrs. Acacia chose this pandan cake recipe do to honor Macabeo slightly. . Oh. . . This cake lady is using Zhengkao way. . . . So, the cake is very moist. . Very tasty. . Macabeo love Oh! ! . . Hee hee. Done before ...
Today Mrs. good fun. . Finally made a delicious butter cake. . This butter cake lady want good taste also. . Thank you to Mrs. Rac beauty pide recommendation. . Mrs. just yet even sweep two yet. . . Oppsss. . . Not fat Caw! ! ^ ^ Although Mrs. useless Zhengkao cake, but cake is still very loose ...
Mrs. liked stuff home almond cakes. pide . . Like last year, Macabeo is also good. . . Material is also simple. . . So this year they do Oh! ! * Mrs. see Mimi's box. . So fill another photo. . ^ ^ Good delicious almond pide cakes. . . Recommended Oh! ! ! In the photo moment, there are only a ladybird also to take advantage of the lively na. . . ...
His wife also loved the unique aroma of lemongrass ah. . Kitchen seen on this simple lemongrass chicken stew has been unable to extricate themselves up. . The next day, his wife and then buy another three lemongrass,

Monday, October 28, 2013

Zhang rice beans (ego) 2013-03-14 22:35:06

lz In Hong Kong, a few days ago I love to eat ice cream, I feel so good ( ), recommend to the people around, we are also full of praise. Suddenly found that Hong Kong has many unusual, but also very commendable thing. Since lz eat goods, so most of them are eating it. 1. Dreyer's ice cream first is lz favorite Dreyer's ice cream, nishamadhulika here, I inevitably bring it and the Haagen-Dazs compare. Visibility, said Haagen-Dazs should be a lot of people know it, Dreyer's ice cream may be upset several, but the taste did not lose on Haagen-Dazs, the price is the former half to one third. Haagen-Dazs in Hong Kong is not a rarity now, a lot of self-help nishamadhulika are offered unlimited free Haagen-Dazs ice cream. lz most recommended is the Cookie nishamadhulika (Oreo) taste. lz Haagen-Dazs ice cream has never been touched before, singles Dreyer's nishamadhulika ice cream is dense cookies taste amazing nishamadhulika to lz it. The first bite, it will let it slowly melt after the meet sigh (or in my heart sigh), a look back, eat the second port. Is an absolute happiness ~ Dreyer's ice cream and fruity happy, happy fruity ice cream is known only dare to produce high-quality ice cream, but also a lot of people who love eating. (Although lz think the taste is very sick, all the pistachios, spit, as if only one person does not like lz) Dreyer's ice cream sold in the supermarket are the vats, often buy two barrels a discount. One night two people to eat a pass thing is a common occurrence. The key is, once open barrel, do not eat it is sorry for myself, but also I'm sorry Dreyer's ah. If we come to Hong Kong, it is strongly recommended to eat ~ buy a bucket holding, absolutely cool! 2 McDonald's you'll be surprised how McDonald's would be, yes, you read that right. McDonald's in Hong Kong than the mainland to be good (Hong Kong KFC is completely rubbish!), And different taste of McDonald's franchises will be different (price nishamadhulika differences). lz favorite is the spicy chicken burger packages, fried crisp outside and tender on the inside of the chicken, the bite of the moment, delicious juice burst out (very greasy), accompanied by warming up the outside of the firm savory salt evenly inside appropriate fries, absolutely delicious! Unfortunately, nishamadhulika McDonald's food quality and the strength of the relationship between store employees great many of these foods taste like fried a few seconds nishamadhulika will be different. nishamadhulika lz suspected that often go home fries staff substitutions, nishamadhulika the quality deteriorated. Even so, the average level is also good, it is worth trying, but maybe there will be a pleasant surprise. In addition, McDonald's cone is also very like, the key is only 2.8 Hong Kong dollars a ah ~ this price. Jimmy Tornado is also very good, cheaper than DQ, and good taste. Hong Kong has no DQ, should be Michael McDonald whirlwind seize the market it will launch every time some new burgers, usually classic burger taste will not be easy, so do not try. Has launched Cheese fries shake powder, increase package can get a free pack, lz do not remember nishamadhulika eating at that time how many times this McDonald's. For a long time now no longer there, so I'm dreaming for a long time. 3 Japanese Sashimi Japanese Well ~ to put the title. nishamadhulika If you like Japanese food, especially sashimi, then Hong Kong is definitely a paradise. If someone asked me if I liked to eat sushi, sister would contemptuously replied: I do not eat rice below, I only eat the flesh of the above! Hong Kong has many Japanese nishamadhulika Sashimi nishamadhulika shop, Tsim Sha Tsui area there is a very concentrated a lot of home are good, you can refer to the specific choice openrice, nishamadhulika the price will be different, but for the capitalist nishamadhulika society such as Hong Kong, you pay a distinct reflected. lz is long removed from the cafeteria to stretch the stomach, and%> _ <% Basically, sashimi taste good or bad depending nishamadhulika on whether fresh, most Japanese restaurants in Hong Kong are imported from Japan the day of fresh air to Hong Kong. Wide variety of sashimi, salmon the most common and the most amazing, fresh salmon sashimi eating up completely raw feeling, how to describe it, just like eating dessert, like soft, for people who do not accept sashimi, salmon is very good introductory choice. However, the salmon looks very fat, fish oil content is very high. lz favorite is the sweet shrimp, sweet shrimp, not every store has, you can try to pick sashimi menu with sweet shrimp. Sweet shrimp nishamadhulika as its name, the taste is sweet, fresh shrimp QQ, how do not eat greasy. lz each eat Sashimi, sweet shrimp are being brought down. . . Briefly about Hong Kong Japanese Sashimi store ordering model, into the seat, the table will be a small bucket installed a lot of different colors of paper, this is the menu, it will press sashimi, burning things, barbecue, drinks, etc. and Different types of different colors, in a small piece of paper to write on the menu stage number, you want to eat the food before the write down the number, to the waiter, over time people would serve it. Often occur is written on the number and inconsistent, for example, wrote a 20 sweet shrimp came only 15, or wait a long time to wait on, so I chose to look at when the best restaurant on the openrice evaluation. You can also refer to the wholesale price meal, anyway, be sure to eat back the: http://www.holy-fiel 4. Arome Hokkaido Cheesecake Arome is very common in Hong Kong a bakery, a lot of stores, should be a Japanese brand, nishamadhulika detailed reference to their official website: nishamadhulika https://www.mangocak / tc / category_de tail.asp? cid = 1008 Arome Hokkaido cheese nishamadhulika cake is their home's most popular products, but also lz and her boyfriend two years once a celebration (birthday or something) will buy a cake. Popular among long-term No.1, absolutely deserved reputation. Look at its official description: pure natural cheese and fresh milk production in Hokkaido quality 3.6, the top covered with white chocolate pieces, together with the well-adjusted by baking system of law, taste creamy, soft light. Simply put: The above is white chocolate, sweet but not greasy middle quality milk cheese wrapped in rich bottom is hard some black chocolate bread (okay, I do not know specifically what the bottom), taste on the very level. Body white, innocence is not fancy, exudes Come and eat me ~ atmosphere. Arome partakers cut in small pieces to sell, if passed, then please be sure not to miss ~ 5. Formal wear (wear) if lz not mistaken, the mainland to sell dress or a suit or professional package (that is the kind of interview clothes) only G2000. G2000 genuine quality clothes in general, and Hong Kong, Shenzhen is also produced in the store, but fortunately sold in Hong Kong is very cheap. If you want to buy a dress, nishamadhulika then Hong Kong would have a lot of brands to choose from, the quality is definitely better than the G2000, the price is not expensive. Style colors are very rich, there are normally two-piece onepiece. Anyway, is to buy a dress, do not identify dead G2000, more choices, more laughter ~ 6 anion hair dryer Panasonic Matsushita (Panasonic) a wide variety of electronic products , whether in Hong Kong or the mainland, should be very reputation of the brand. I want to recommend is their home anion hair dryer, details refer: .hk / ha / chinese / produ ct_list.aspx? Sub_cat = 44 finished nishamadhulika first with anion hair dryer and general Hair Dryer difference is really great, very moisturizing, hair is not dry, very smooth. However, I am not very recommended for oily hair sister, because they do not know is not too moisturizing, hair is not fluffy, nishamadhulika it would be more docile. Oily sister estimate does not like the kind of soft feeling, but damage to the hair should be less than normal hair dryer bar 7. Drain cleaners (Carrion water) Forgive lz mainland supermarket goods for lack of knowledge, I did not know there Mainland This drain cleaners sold, the bathroom after the sewer is blocked for through the sewer. Because lz severe hair loss, bathroom frequently blocked, this drain cleaners regarded as a fetish. Wiki's explanation is: common Drain supplies primarily for strongly acidic or alkaline chemistry through drainage supplies, there is also a solid liquid, solid particles or major pieces of sodium hydroxide, and the addition of liquid containing The strong alkaline water solution of sodium hydroxide to clear the agent, there is also a strongly acidic sulfuric acid-containing water to clear the agent. [1] However, the mainstream through drainage supplies mostly alkaline mainly because alkali metal channels less damage, but also in cleaning up the oil and protein materials and other aspects nishamadhulika of the effect is better (because alkali nishamadhulika decomposition product after conducting have a high solubility in water, washed with tap water more easily) Simply put, drain cleaners can dissolve hair, leaves, etc. oil and protein material, in addition nishamadhulika to plastic and aluminum pipes, other metal channels can be used. I always suspected, nishamadhulika the legendary Carrion water is this ingredient, banditry, Huishimieji essential nishamadhulika goods. lz tried a total of three kinds, the first is a body without a supermarket selling Chinese looks very professional and the results were OK, no pressure once a week. The second is Mr. Muscle is completely residue (not to say that clog corrosion into slag, and is completely useless to say) is a pharmacy to buy a third of the "three noes" products, packaging is extremely simple one bottle, but the effect Very good, the price is also cheap, a bottle, a few weeks no longer blocked. I always suspected that water is the legend of the carrion this cargo, banditry, Huishimieji essential goods. 8 seasonal fruit in due season, some fruit will be sold in Hong Kong is very cheap. Cherries cheapest one pound is 19.9, but can not seem to band pass, I have a friend at the border was confiscated cherries and imported mangoes, customs officers get behind "the deal." Need fresh durian is delicious ah, do not tell me that durian smell, just from the shell to pry out the durian smell is basically useless, but put one hour to start a foul smell. Many people hate durian should have unpleasant first time, so be sure to buy fresh ah. There durian this cargo calorie, high sugar content, is simply not deserve to be called a fruit! nishamadhulika 9. Jenny bakery biscuits Bear Bear biscuits it should be regarded as no little repute, lz'm ashamed that until many years later, was a friend from the Mainland learned this bear biscuits, dragging his blessing before they eat a box, saying not many people eating locals. Unfortunately, lz later never have the opportunity to eat, go to Chungking Mansions because it stores read three times, no stock. It is said to be the morning 7-8 points to line up to buy, 9:00 to go are not ranked, that store open until 10:00 ah! I think this is the locals rarely buy it, no tourists will buy the kind of determination, but also some tourists through scalpers buy. Coming back to Bear biscuits, the taste is really good, is the best food I've eaten cookies, expensive cheap cookies I have eaten some biscuits Bear wins in its soft and rich flavor. nishamadhulika Talk Bear biscuit box, put one or two months can smell this scent ah, more than perfume lasting. Bear biscuits are popular not without reason, it is very genuine use of materials, nishamadhulika the use of a Swiss imports of butter over a high quality flour. In other words: half was too Bear biscuits are oil! Sometimes, the simple thing to do honestly, some people will appreciate the 10 pharmacies, although called the pharmacy, but Hong Kong is a supermarket pharmacy, ah, what are sold, the key is to sell a lot of things than the supermarket cheap, such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, laundry detergent, shower gel, a number of skin care products, as well as the legendary milk. lz especially like go to the pharmacy Taobao, most want to clarify is toothpaste, look at this brand of toothpaste: tw / (like Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan three names translate a difference, but I saw in the mainland supermarket too) is very easy to use, but my friend said the mainland drama quality and varies widely in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong version of the effect better. This brand of supermarkets sell 36 of a toothbrush, nishamadhulika pharmacies and sold 26! [Special Note] lz place to live no tourists, pharmacy customers to nearby residents based, so the possibility of the sale of counterfeits is not high. However, many pharmacies lz see TST generation, something real to the enemy, offer unrealistically high, we must be careful not remember a time back, thought again supplementary ah
Lee (full of mental illness / problem more / cat slave) 2013-03-14 21:22:44
Zhang rice beans (ego) 2013-03-14 22:35:06
Do not eat too full sister to Oh ~
I want to change the name (I want to throw away procrastination!!!) 2013-03-15 00:00:03
Want under control, too hard ~
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Sunday, October 27, 2013

[Island Hideo] Description: 1948, CVs: students, workers, amateur authors, middle school language t

Rwanda's poor spectacle for the average person could only imagine, Chinese volunteers under the truck, I saw an emaciated, noodle naked black young men came running toward them, the young men have rarely seen such a big truck. Suddenly, the volunteers moved compassion, and turned the car went took the young men went to small items. "What are you doing?" noodle American volunteers shouted, "put down!" Chinese volunteers in amazement. He did not know how it is, we do not want to do charity work? Volunteer North American young men said, "Hello, we come from very far away, the car has a lot of things, you help us to move down for me? We'll noodle unpaid for." Young men hesitated in place, noodle then there Many young people came to the United States volunteer said unto them again the same words. There is a young people just try to move from the car down a barrel of biscuits. U.S. volunteers picked up a blanket and a bucket noodle of biscuits handed him and said: "Thank you very much, this is the reward you, others are willing to help you with?" Other young people are also avid surrounded them, did not take long to unload completed, volunteers give every young person a relief items. Then came a young and saw the truck has no goods can be moved to help, I feel very disappointed. American volunteer said to him: "You see, everyone dry tired, you can sing a song for us to do? Your song will make us happy!" Local young people sing the first song, volunteers still gave him a copies of articles: "Thank you, your song is wonderful." Chinese volunteers watching these thoughtfully. Night, the U.S. volunteer said to him: "I'm noodle sorry, I apologize to you the attitude of the morning, I should not talk so loud for you, but you know what? Here where young people trapped in poverty, noodle not their fault, but if Because you put things easy for them, so that they can become something for nothing that poverty means of livelihood, and thus more poverty, this is your fault! "this day, volunteers from China spent an unusual day. Volunteers put things to the young people, ask them to get to work. God has given us grace and love in vain, but requires we strive to run. Family education is also the case, do not easily give young people think that everything should be given to the parents. This article has been read times: 18 views
This entry was posted on Friday, August 23rd, 2013 at 07:48 and is filed under miscellaneous materials. noodle You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 18 Responses to "American Volunteer Volunteer difference with China."
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[Island Hideo] Description: 1948, CVs: students, workers, amateur authors, middle school language teachers, local Writers Association, the Economic noodle Daily reporter, editor and newspaper person in charge; 88 years into business, engaged in the advertising industry, domestic living services, tourism, catering and other industries project management, after brilliant in defeat. 99 years in Beijing resume writing, published a small investment for royalties (small) entrepreneurs monograph five, a 20-episode TV series screenplay also received deposit 20,000. 2008 retired by the end of 2009 was employed as a well-known city business consulting specialist. QQ1969272219, E-mail:
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vegetable drinks coffee candy snack cakes biscuits convenience foods pasta condiments olive oil white wine red wine Wine White Wine Champagne beer beverage brandy whiskey vodka sake rice wine, sesame paste gift reconstituted milk cereal milk honey citron Chacha casual snacks beef jerky dried red dates and dried seafood snack cakes biscuits candied fruit candy chocolate candy toffee hooters pudding jelly candy gum edible grain cereals noodles dry seasoning convenience foods health food vitamins minerals, fish oil, collagen protein powder beauty Beauty, Health & Personal hooters Care Facial Care Cleansing Lotion Cream Eye cream mask perfume spray perfume oils perfume cologne men's fragrance oils neutral Fashion Makeup Gift Set BB cream makeup foundation makeup tools Mascara Nail Bath Shampoo Conditioner Shampoo deep care styling hair styling Men Care Body Wash Exfoliating Cleanser Toner shaving lotion hooters / cream Essence Lotion Body Oil Body Care Exfoliating Hair Removal Cream Foot Care Eye Care contact lens solution goggles hooters sunglasses glasses frame reading glasses daily cleaning paper clothes clean home cleaning toothbrush / toothpaste, sanitary napkins mosquito hooters insecticide health supplies massage chair massage equipment health protectors masks adult supplies medical equipment sphygmomanometer glucometer family hooters home first aid treatment for Chinese health healthy hooters elderly toys, baby toys 0-12 months 1-3 years 4-6 years 7-12 years over 12 years old infant plush fight inserted manually controlled model puzzle creative animation motion Baby Care Diaper bath skin care Barber Cleaning Supplies Personal Protection Milk 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment hooters 4 sections motherhood milk goat milk probiotic nutritional supplement drinks DHA fish noodle soup porridge Calcium zinc candies and cookies Feeding Thermos bottle hooters nipples sucking sterilizer is baby cup / pot tableware walker stroller baby stroller car battery car tricycle bicycle child seat furniture, crib bedding, bedding / blankets, pillow hooters / pillow hold to be / sleeping mat nets Baby Clothing hooters Girls Clothing Boys Clothing baby girl clothing baby boy Clothing Baby Shoes shoes for mom maternity remove stretch marks radiation suits mothers underwear hooters postpartum recovery care Sports & Outdoors Outdoor Clothing Jackets Trousers skin coat T-shirt shirt casual pantyhose child outdoor equipment outdoor backpack camping tent camping bedding, furniture picnic supplies Tool / Tools Outdoor shoes, hiking hooters shoes, hiking shoes, running shoes fitness training upstream Treadmill Exercise Bike Stepper waist yoga trainer dumbbell commuter bike folding hooters mountain bike road bicycle accessories bicycle clothing Sporting Goods Tennis Badminton Tennis Basketball Football Swimming Supplies chess supplies Sports badminton clothing apparel tennis clothes tennis hooters clothes basketball clothes soccer clothes swimwear climbing hiking hooters jogging clothes clothing volleyball clothing cycling wear ski wear sports shoes running shoes basketball shoes, hooters tennis shoes, soccer shoes, badminton shoes comprehensive training shoes, racing shoes, tennis shoes, casual shoes, vigorous sports shoes equipment, footwear, bags and apparel Men's Women's sportswear sweater coat / sweater hoodies / sweater denim shirt T shirt / POLO shirt Dresses / skirts underwear / home service / Socks footwear hooters fashion accessories sunglasses Z Women Men's shoes sports hooters shoes outdoor shoes casual shoes canvas shoes lady fashion boots shoes single shoes flat shoes high heels dress business casual shoes

Friday, October 25, 2013

2013 (122) October (17) my family devil. Zeng Xiao Quan shopping. Xpress Zakka small shops teac

Negeri Sembilan le pain quotidien teachers' union held every year teacher networking luncheon, le pain quotidien this year is no exception. I actually did not participate in many years, so I really do not like to attend the banquet, but this year look on participated. Held this year in Seremban le pain quotidien imperial palace ballroom, see the menu before we know dishes from Dragon Temple large restaurant, but venues in Imperial palace Bale. I rarely went to this area, but fortunately it is easy to find, everybody told me that in Terminal 2, opposite an orange building, it is easy to see.
First appearance here at a luncheon I earlier arrival, but to go seat has been very difficult, seat placed very close, basically if there is no way you can let you access. Colleagues pregnancy to the toilet have to involve so many people, but the teacher saw him heavily pregnant and will not take the initiative to stand up to make way, but also to pretend you do not see, it is a problem ah! This venue is not ideal, air is very cold, and some tables also get food, mess ah! Usually we will walk with nearby schools Fraternal look, this time completely walk, so Fraternal less, and only with the next seat to speak to like, ha ha ha. Though find many shortcomings, but there are advantages Oh, that is very punctual open seats, probably in Sunday noon, many from distant places, so to finish early so they can go home early to rest.
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Cally _ drizzle October 22, 2013 7:29 PM
I think it was the night before soaked in the fridge, le pain quotidien probably every few days, so sour, but unfortunately ah Delete Top Posts After a gap quite a long time Macau Tour finally starting it, this time the tour my husband and I are very happy. I am very happy because Macau is small, does not need to go so much; husband le pain quotidien happy because Macau has many monuments, you can take your time. Hey hey hey, have lent their music. Husband outset booked "Xinhua Hotel", I heard 2046 shot here, great feel, but I was afraid because le pain quotidien the toilets are shared, then the room is very disabled ...
A whole night sleep, because our room near the road, passers-through when speech is also very loud, simply got up and showers began to get out, oh. Ultra does not like the room and the toilet, my head is still about 30cm on to the ceiling, and very narrow, very uncomfortable. Morning Fulong New Street is very beautiful, Fulong New Street formerly Terrace, so it retains a large red doors and a small balcony, then, but the fireworks ...
Taobao this place is a lot of people of the world, but also a lot of Mr. nightmare, but my husband le pain quotidien exception, he more than I would buy, so we each see their own, and then with the next single. My sister always told me that Taobao has a lot to lose, she also bought a lot of clothes, I think the quality is very good. But a lot of thought was long overdue, until recently knew her husband's cousin there to help people purchasing, I'll go directly to her to help ...
Help wall off approximately actually set in the afternoon, because her dinner a lot. Morning my husband blood after us and the moonlight first to go out, because to facilitate night I went to a friend's house open house, so we put place set at everybody convenient le pain quotidien place, so I chose Puchong Setia Walk this new area (I have not been ). Saturday noon is traffic jam, we arrived to ...
2013 (122) October (17) my family devil. Zeng Xiao Quan shopping. Xpress Zakka small shops teachers fellowship meal. Hibiscus Imperial palace home cook Fule. Kyoto ribs, cabbage fish cakes, lotus root spare ribs Tangjia Ting cook Fule. Salted chicken wings, cabbage meatball "search Delicious: Schaden ~ Dongguan meat Noodles" Bangkok found food. Airport le pain quotidien McDonald weekend fun. Fun learning camp I wish I was superwoman Bangkok found food: Aijook Thai Food in Bangkok search of food: Watergate Hainanese chicken rice souvenirs. Sarawak Lapis Bangkok Search Food: The Platinum Fashion Mall Bangkok found food: MOS Burger in Bangkok. Erawan Bangkok. Ede charities donate le pain quotidien coffin Bangkok found food: Erawan Tea Room September (17) August (12) July (16) June (7) May (8) April (17) March (9) February (9) January (10) 2012 (99) December (19) November (7) October (5) September (10) eight May (7) July (4) June (5) May (11) April (9) March (10) February (8) January (4) 2011 (108 ) December (12) November le pain quotidien (8) October le pain quotidien (8) September (4) August (7) July (5) June (11) May (8 ) April (11) March (12) February (13) January (9) 2010 (136) December (5) November (9) October (8) September le pain quotidien (15) August le pain quotidien (13) July (14) June (19) May (10) April (11) March (13) February (10) a April (9) 2009 (117) December (29) November (14) October (9) September (16) August (17) July (17) June (4) May (7) February (4)
Kitchen Fun - Chinese le pain quotidien (54) Kitchen Fun - Festival Foods (10) Kitchen Fun ~ tower (3) Kitchen Fun ~ chiffon cake (21) Kitchen Fun ~ Cupcakes (13) Kitchen Fun ~ Dad private kitchens (10) Kitchen Fun ~ Pork dishes (20) Kitchen Fun ~ muffin (5) Kitchen Fun ~ Swiss roll cake (8) Kitchen Fun ~ Dessert (5) Kitchen Fun ~ pastry (4) Kitchen Fun ~ syrup (1) Kitchen Fun ~ Vegetarian (5 ) Kitchen le pain quotidien Fun ~ Cheese Cake (5) Kitchen Fun ~ mushroom cuisine (3) Kitchen Fun ~ vegetable dishes (24) Kitchen Fun ~ Eggs (8) Kitchen Fun ~ Cake (20) Kitchen Fun ~ Western (3) Kitchen Fun ~ Soup (12) Kitchen Fun ~ Bread (2) Kitchen Fun ~ noodles and rice dishes (13) Kitchen Fun ~ Biscuits (4) Kitchen Fun - Malay (4) Kitchen Fun ~ fish dishes le pain quotidien (2) Kitchen Fun ~ Chicken dishes (32) Eat, drink (48) my marriage music (22) found fresh in mind (150) found fresh in mind - Kuala Lumpur (18) found fresh in mind - Negri Sembilan (9) found fresh in mind - Selangor (56) search Delicious ~ Perak (17) found fresh in mind - Malacca (18) Travels - Pacific (5) Travels ~ Penang (4) Travels ~ Perak (13) backpacking ~ Beijing (9) backpacking ~ Indonesia (12) backpacking ~ Taiwan (23) backpacking ~ Bali (7) backpacking - Bangkok (20) backpacking - South (13) backpacking ~ Hainan Island (8) backpacking - Macau (13) Notepad - Big Day (35) Notepad - Awards (6) Notes ~ Good Leisure (4) Notepad ~ silly things (25) notebook le pain quotidien ~ Friends articles (2) Notepad ~ chores (21) Notepad - Prodigal music (23) Bookworm ~ chapter books (2) reprint articles ~ good Article (10) readily shoot (12)
My Cooks
Qi Qi in the house
m & m nestum cookies
1 day ago
Bernice Full Small World Recent ~
1 week former Soviet Mom
Dulce De Leche Coconut Chocolate Muffins
5 weeks ago Life stations onion tomato egg cheese toast
8 months ago a fresh start. . .
Kuih Seri Muka Sri wooden card cake
2 years ago Wei too personal teaching courses - November Course le pain quotidien Schedule
3 days ago food beauty New Zealand beauty home :: ÁóûÂÆ PIXNET ::
Food bars
1 week ago
6 hours ago Poetry Life Three Night Mask (Laneige Water Sleeping Pack) (Niu Er red Whitening Night Mask) (Niu Er Tea Tree Acne Facial Night Mask)
4 days ago

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Chocolate chip cookies georgetown cupcakes Ingredients: butter 150 g brown sugar 80 Kelang Mu wine 1 tablespoon flour 2 eggs, 350 grams of baking soda 1/4 teaspoon chocolate beans 200 grams practice: 1) butter + brown sugar with an electric device to stir a little white. 2) Gradually add egg and mix well. 3) Add 1 tablespoon of rum. Stir Sift flour + baking soda. 4) Finally, add chocolate beans stir into a smooth dough. 5) the dough about 12-15 grams each, rub round. Squash on a baking tray lined with paper. 6) Preheat oven to 170 degrees bake about 25 minutes. After baking cookies, remove and let cool on a wire rack. The revenue can then be sealed biscuit jar can be.
joceline georgetown cupcakes lyn 5/26/2013
I'm late, cookie and my parts do? Reply Delete
2013 (310) October (23) September (39) August (38) July (30) June (28) May (30) steamed chicken rice (Loh Mai Kai) sweet potato hi broad rice noodles (Films) Melaleuca pandan cake (Kuih Lapis Pandan) soda bread steamed cake (Soda Crackers Layer Cake) Mushroom georgetown cupcakes Fried Rice Chocolate chip cookies (Chocolate Chips Cookies) shredded coconut caramel walnut tower plain packaging Gui Fen satisfactorily Acacia flower black sesame cake with you about the Bangkok Tour 2013 (Part II) flower with you about the Bangkok Tour 2013 (Part I) honey mango mango cake roll cake mushroom georgetown cupcakes vegetable garden jam / cream pot of cooked rice toast - mushroom stew Chicken Rice Guangzhou eat and stroll - food articles Happy Mother's Day ~ Mango Cheese Thai papaya salad (Somtam) QQ purple potato pill sago / Evaporated mango sago Acacia honey citron tea cake with cream of mushroom soup / French stick Bread / simple sardine pasta Acacia georgetown cupcakes cake chocolate orange / purple sweet potato cake latte Acacia full Maibei fruit (Potato Bagel) Ayam Masak Merah / Nasi Jagung (red curry chicken / corn fragrant rice) hi broad rice noodles purple potato purple sweet potato Kuih Kosui / purple sweet potato Ondeh-ondeh purple potato purple sweet potato red turtle cake mini toast chiffon purple potato soy April (38) March (31) February (23) January (30) 2012 (177) December (32) November (29) October (16) September (23) August (23) July (32) June (22)
Love to cook (20) love to cook - Seafood (15) Love cooking - Rice (6) Love to cook - Vegetarian (4) love cooking - meat (14) love to cook - Tofu (7) Love under Cooking - Pasta (1) Love the traditional New Year's feast (3) love traditional georgetown cupcakes cakes (65) love traditional dishes (6) Love Whole Wheat Recipes (2) love to share - Sept. Little Mother (28) Love Buns (3) Love Pumpkin Recipes (1) Love Eat, drink (34) Love Nyonya cakes (23) Love Tour (30) Love Japanese (2) Love moon cake (24) Love Jam (4) love coconut sugar recipes (7) Love Thai snacks (6) Love Dim Sum (10) Love Baking - Pandan recipes (61) Love Baking-Macaron (2) love baking-Muffin (18) Love Baking-Pie (2) Love Baking - Puff Cake (3) Love Baking - small cakes (34 ) love baking - chocolate cake (18) Love Baking - chiffon cake (58) Love Baking - tart (4) Love Baking - Cupcakes (28) Love Baking - Acacia Cake (10) Love Baking - pound cake (17) Love Baking - Chicago cheese cake (10) Love Baking - steamed cake (10) Love Baking - Cake (1) love baking - cake roll (11) love baking - cake decoration (13) Love Baking - Nagasaki cake (3) Love Baking - Bread (57) Love Cooking (10) Love Corn Recipes (6) Love Desserts (44) Love Tomato Recipes (3) The memory of love (8) Love Dessert (14) Love purple sweet potato recipe (8) Love Mango Recipes (6 ) love ice cream (6) Love Banana recipes (18) Love Pineapple Recipes (2) love black sesame recipes (5)
chapati dan kuah dhal
2 hours ago
Via's Travel Notes - Travel Food Blogs
Duck Breast with Pickled Ginger and Pineapple - Pineapple # 3
4 hours ago
Wen's Delight
Kota Kinabalu Fuyuan High tea room
14 hours ago to make life happier baby first birthday - Fruits georgetown cupcakes and vegetables, yogurt frosting cupcakes
16 hours ago Kitchen Garden Cookbook
23 hours ago whale blue nest Habitat tomato cold soup
1 day ago
Anncoo Journal
Lonnie Chicago Shibu
1 day ago
Dairy Free Whole Wheat Buns
1 day ago
My Time in the Kitchen
Cranberry cake roll ~ Cranberry Swiss Roll
2 days ago
Bernice's Kitchen
Barbie Doll Cake
2 days ago
Delicious Delicious Delicious
[Fighting! ! Began to prepare!
3 days ago
Lucky Inn
Yellow Spider - KL, Malaysia
3 days ago
Black and white sesame toast
3 days ago
Cuisine Paradise | Singapore Food Blog - Recipes - Food Reviews - Travel
Stir-fry White Cuttlefish with Celery in Spicy Assam Sambal Sauce
4 days ago baked plum notes
Goldfish Bento
6 days ago
Jenny Ong
Cups sinew meat
1 week ago @ gourmet cooking Notepad
Lisas Kitchen
Free Spirit Eater
Ada greedy diary green tea ice cream (Fukuda Junko version) practice georgetown cupcakes _ any Ran Srivatsa (the kitchen)
A dream come true ~ ~ ~ ~
Model 80an
Acacia cake (with the dream to fly)
My Singapore Kitchen ........ georgetown cupcakes
Jihyeon's georgetown cupcakes ...
Went into the kitchen baking
Flat Fanfan, simple pretty mommy play. Full set of books smell fresh snow Jen's hand and life with workshop
j3ss kitch3n
Sotong Cooks - Cooking it my way!
Happy good taste
Hao Ma Full Kitchen
Sarah Homemade
Food Is My Life
Aspiring Bakers # 01 - Chiffon Aspiring Bakers # 02 - X 'Mas Aspiring Bakers # 03 - Cookies Aspiring Bakers georgetown cupcakes # 04 - Love In The Air Aspiring Bakers # 05 - Fruity Aspiring Bakers # 06 - Say Cheese Aspiring Bakers # 07 - Chocolate Delight Aspiring Bakers # 08 - Bread Seduction Aspiring Bakers # 09 - Swiss Rolling Aspiring Bakers # 10 - Easy As Pie Aspiring Bakers # 11 - Mid Autumn Treats Aspiring Bakers # 12 - Traditional Kueh Aspiring Bakers # 13 - Enjoy Cupcakes Aspiring georgetown cupcakes Bakers # 14 - Creative georgetown cupcakes X 'mas Bake Aspiring Bakers # 15 - Auspicious Dishes Aspiring Bakers # 16 - Fun With Fondant Aspiring Bakers # 17 - Macaron Aspiring Bakers # 18 - Layers Of Love Aspiring Bakers # 19 - Dim Sum Affair Aspiring Bakers # 20 - Asian Dessert Buffet Aspiring Bakers # 21 - Gluten-Free Bakes Aspiring Bakers # 22 - Lightened Up Cakes (August 2012) Aspiring Bakers # 23 - Desserts On A Plate (Sept '2012) Aspiring Bakers # 24 - Jellies & Puddings (Oct' 2012) Aspiring Bakers # 30 - It's Tea Time! Aspiring Bakers # 25 - Steaming Hot Cakes (Nov 2012) Aspiring Bakers # 31 - Bao Ho-Chiak package georgetown cupcakes delicious (May 2013)
Aunty Yochana Carol ChaRa-Ben Workout Jenny J's Kitchen Kokken Lisa s Kitchen Wretch Tony hut on the 24th floor to enjoy a happy life dull thousands of Baidu kitchenette gentleman Chou gourmet coffee georgetown cupcakes and bread Symphony teachers big flower small watermelon melon Meng teacher Millet barrel Cubs relationship with a very small kitchen, small speech actually sweet potato kitchen time flat 'tired' life, heart baked taste of happiness encounter when warm feeling Wen Serenity Kitchen hairy mom mom stockade simple kitchen Yaoyao good simple recipes Freedom master baking dish insects Bellingshausen baked by Tsai notes

[Practice]: 1) the sugar and butter with a mixer and mix well. 2) Add the egg mix. 3) Sift the flou

Baby tooth slightly! Just last Friday. Look at the crumbling front teeth, remember fish tacos when our childhood, that, can not afford to be out of teeth, often are relying on one's own generation of self-exploration to extraction tips. . . ka cha (Kacha -) out Oh! Remember, sometimes eat eat half, biting fragrant rice grains, suddenly bite of the hard "stuff" before mixing Dawu. . . . . Teeth out! Sometimes, it is a toothbrush to brush teeth out. . . It looked at the baby had no decay deciduous announced, "leave", the moment, my husband immediately took the young line around the circle, ready to set in the baby's teeth. Can, try a few times because of fine-line can not be securely wrapped (teeth), fish tacos self-detachment (dental) plan helpless failed. fish tacos War two, is called fish tacos the baby tongue push - deciduous. fish tacos Push push ah. . . Push push ah, only one step is necessary deciduous off! Ohan shouting give baby shoot video, record "life first teeth brilliant curtain call." Baby waved shy to say: "Do not Do." fish tacos Just at that moment, her husband's last resort fish tacos ~ Alondra extraction. Personally baby's fish tacos milk teeth to shake off! Brewing fish tacos for about half an hour's tooth finally draw a beautiful mind rests. And, now very worried that, as the article mentioned, the "new teeth (permanent) can not normally grow in deciduous teeth just below the emergence of the old tooth can not afford to grow new teeth have been the case." My baby's permanent teeth have actually been long out quiet, but very ugly, because looked after (face), the emergence of the phenomenon of tooth malalignment. Ah ~ headache ah! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It ~ crunchy. Colored pie baked cereal crunchy texture brings. It ~ sugar. Brings fish tacos a fresh raisin sweetness. It ~ aroma. Inside and exudes simple cereal incense. If it is a metaphor for the "beauty" Ha, then it is a quasi-temperament beauty, like "actress Liu Yifei." Electric dead people. . . But it also makes sweep off her feet, because it does not take off every worldly temperament. Haha ~ oatmeal cookies. . . . . . Recipe Reference: happy baking Paradise [Material]: 60 g butter 125 Kemerovo piece flour 1tsp baking powder 160 g sugar 80 g egg a raisin at least 40 grams (try to make each piece has at least good few biscuits fish tacos raisins) fish tacos cereal 35 gram
[Practice]: 1) the sugar and butter with a mixer and mix well. 2) Add the egg mix. 3) Sift the flour and baking powder, pour 35g oatmeal and raisins and mix well. 4) Remove the small round measuring spoon knead the ball, dip roll cereal (60g) after flattening, then row on a sheet pan. 5) Bake at 180 degrees 15-20 minutes can be.
Biscuits, I love this. My seven-year-old baby began to lose his teeth. Just pull the first one pulled. So the next will not be so afraid. Otherwise see the baby really 'melancholy'. Haha ~ my mom was also baby peli yet. You see, my tooth does not hurt, I did not cry. Mommy did not dare to die tooth? Kaka ~ Reply Delete fish tacos Reply Xian, talking tooth, the old Lufthansa previously when for a while, "a tooth stove" fish tacos it ~ ~ then photograph was regarded mouth closed firmly. . . Hee hee. . . Now the old Lufthansa worried that two sweet potatoes, tooth loss situation do not know how, I wonder if you grow a beautiful teeth? fish tacos ? Ha ha ha ha. . . Biscuits, bite, classic (public house) lost a tooth it ~ ~ Reply Delete I laugh, but also have enough fish tacos ugly, so until now. . . Take pictures, or not Luya come! (I have two "zombie teeth" Oh!) I am also very worried about the baby's teeth grow irregularly. Because tied teeth is not an easy thing. Good good, next time I baby teeth again crumbling, I also told him to eat biscuits. ^ ^ Delete Mrs. wanderers also lost two front teeth. . However, both came out. . . Asked his teeth na? He said to throw to the dustbin. . Can not find his wife. . @ @ | | | Oatmeal cookies baked beauty blanket. . Sean, good praise. . Reply to delete my boss permanent fish tacos teeth also look ugly, little kek sim. It seems possible to spend a sum of the teeth. Reply Delete wish healthy and safe ~ all wishes come true end afternoon Jia Festival Discovery fast Reply Delete how do you now? How do you now? Ohh .... think you come forward .... Reply Delete baby realism (29) winning things (8) yogurt cake baking series - articles (3) roasted series ~ coffee. Chocolate Cake articles (10) baking series - Tower / faction articles (6) Series ~ mousse cake baking papers (2) chiffon cake baking series - articles (25) Baking Series ~ cupcakes papers, (4) Sponge cake baking series - articles (5) Series ~ Butter Cake baking papers (11) Series ~ cheesecake baked articles (12) Baking Series ~ cake roll papers (3) Series - decorate cakes baked articles (2 ) ~ Bread Baking Series (21) Series ~ biscuit baking papers (18) Love Gifts (15) Miscellaneous Domestic thought Series (7) Gourmet Series ~ festive food articles (29) Gourmet Series ~ buns. Bread papers (9) Gourmet Series ~ cooking fish tacos articles (44) Gourmet Series ~ dot papers (23) Gourmet Series ~ pudding jelly articles fish tacos (10) Gourmet Series ~ juices Soups (16) Gourmet Series ~ Dessert articles (5) Gourmet Series ~ pastry articles (24) Gourmet Series ~ sauces, jams articles (11) Gourmet Series ~ pasta articles fish tacos (7) Gourmet Series ~ rice cooker cake papers (1) Ohan menu (directory) (3) Series ~ cream ingredients cheese (cream cheese) (5) Vegetable milk food series - Oil (2) food series - mineral oil (2) fresh food series - Animal oils (12) evaporated milk food series ... (8) condensed milk food series - (3)
2013 (20) April (5) April 30 (a) extraction in mind. Oatmeal cookies fish tacos Apr 24 (1) 四月 19 (1) 四月 16 (1) 四月 14 (1) March (7) 三月 27 (1) March 25 (1) February 21 (1) 三月 14 (1) 三月 11 (1) 三月 07 (1) 三月 04 (1) February (6) 二月 28 (1) two May 26 (1) 二月 22 (1) 二月 20 (1) 二月 08 (1) 二月 04 (1) January (2) 一月 31 (1) January 25 (1) 2012 (55) December (2) Dec 26 (1) &

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Time Sort average 5.0 stars Very good

(116) 3 star:
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Donlim DF toaster XBM-1039S
B0046RDDHA, B008KXGO4A, B002ZLOR1A, B007NBWEXK, B008M2F9TA, B003YRK47U, B003CJSVQQ, sonic drive in B007B7JWHM, B0041G50UO, B003YXZBBS, B007B7K8SY, B0088MJ6RA, B007NBWGJ2, B007B7K01E, B0055MNL0Y, B007B7JX58, sonic drive in B007B7JZ2Y, B007WP4YDA, B007NBW4OY, B007NBWAJI, B009ZP34ZE, B007NBWKIE, B0026RIHPA, B003PDN4OS, B007B7KAZK, B005WGXKMC, B0042HOM88, B007B7K0YQ, B00A2L8M2A, B007B7KBY0, B002PEX0MO, B007NBW8MC, B0017PIEN2, B001BKMGN2, B007NBWI9K, B004N3BNU6, B002TKLK58, B002U82UP8, B007NBW6RO, B0034XS7GY, B007B7K4SS, B007RKPMLI, B00267T36M, B006J29LRQ, B00A2L8LVW, B00502I73K, B001M0MAAA, B0041Q4CDA, B0017PIEK0, B00502I6UY, B005QHC5A0, B001KR0GAG, B003O69DQY, sonic drive in B005QHC6AO, B00502I7S0, sonic drive in B002PEX0M4, B004OA6MGI, B0068Z8ZRQ, B007B7K2MG, B003YXZBBI, B007B7K7NA, B003DXATTI, B006CEWF7Y, B007B7JVO6, B0019TDINM, B00AE0A6OG, B00502I7F8, B0042D7ETQ, B006CEWFME, B005QHC81G, B00272MGW4, B007B7K5R8, B00502I7L2, B00502I7AS, B005B7AX3G, B003HGGINW, sonic drive in B007B7JTVQ, B005GZ0TIW, B003CC1POI, B007MJG3GC, B0081YC4YC, B005WGXKZY, B0046W8564, B007RKPL7I, sonic drive in B008VOGLRS, B005LAFJP0, B008POKPOE, B003LO2FLO, B00870HJFO, B006O3SOLO, B0068Z8YXQ, B0050GUHDO, B0042D7EWS, B005GZ0U36, B007B7JR22 sonic drive in
Accessories include a microwave, stainless steel grill, warranty card, manual
~ Glanz (Galanz) sonic drive in microwave / oven G80F20CN2L-B8 (RO) 20L flatbed aerobic eco cabin, a variety of culinary options firepower, rapid thaw, child lock feature high-tech titanium film mirror, sonic drive in beautiful, fashion chain block radiation safer Doors, patent lightwave microwave / light combination by weight defrost / rapid thaw reservation function 1 +1 correction sonic drive in function / Child Lock Energy Pioneer, 12 kinds of menus, quick start, easy operation, unique exhaust design, extend magnetron life 20L large capacity aerobic plate lamps eco cabin design, natural American Dyson microcrystalline ceramic panels! LCD display specular radiation four door, safe and secure red side sliding door, stylish and generous 12 kinds of smart gourmet menu at any time to enjoy delicious appointment time, enjoy gourmet easily upgrade aerobic Eco cabin, bactericidal anti-drug sonic drive in Equipped with original stainless steel grill, crisp roast Almighty Brand Profile Galanz Group is a world-class integrated white goods brands. Since its founding in 1978, has developed into a nearly sonic drive in 50,000 employees of transnational white goods group, is the Chinese home appliance industry's most influential leading enterprises. Galanz main products sonic drive in include microwave ovens, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, rice cookers, induction cooker and so on. The past 10 years, Galanz has won the "World Chinese top 500 enterprises", "China Best Corporate Citizen", "Forbes world's most prestigious corporate ago 201 strong" and many other honors. With the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" the full implementation of Galanz sonic drive in determined to create a global sonic drive in leader in integrated white goods brand, Advancing with "Glanz Micro's global share" for the benefit of the world population. Specification Package Dimensions (mm): 532 * 445 * 328mm season: all seasons Weight (KG): 14.4 Description: Technical Parameters Brand: Galanz Color: Silver Model / Specifications: G80F20CN2L-B8 (RO) Rated voltage and fixed frequency (w): 220V ~ ~, 50Hz Input / Output Power (w): 800W single product packaging size (cm): 53.2 * 44.5 * 32.8 GW / NW (kg): 14.4 Instructions Please read the instructions carefully before use. Power supply voltage must be stated on the product line. Aftermarket Information This product Genius, enjoy Warranty Services, Warranty period: Genius year service Tel: 4008300333 Brand Official Website: ~
Galanz Galanz G70F20CN3L-C2 (B0) (Lightwave barbecue, computer intelligent menu, microcrystalline sonic drive in flat slab aerobic eco cabin, LED large screen, fast time entry, 12 all intelligent menu; lightwave, sonic drive in microwave combination sterilization, BBQ Almighty enjoy) average 4.2 stars (229)
Average 4.2 stars in online shopping is very tangled before. Read a lot of merchandise and the corresponding comment. Finally decided to try to break the Grand Canal, bought this microwave oven, Amazon logistics really gray often fast, this is still worthy of recognition. Thing to have a BBQ, no sink. Immediately open trial, put a bowl of water, one minute the water hot. But there is an anxiety accompanied sonic drive in by taste, some fear. After touch back cover and microwave, very hot, this is no exaggeration ingredients. Intend to discuss with her mother had returned. In the evening is not willing tried again, this time without anxious smell okay. So far (the 21st set of goods, today the 30th), but also with things not going back, I was a troublesome person. However, the recommended netizens sonic drive in carefully before buying a microwave, going to the store to see. The sound is indeed very large. Comparable to my home in 1995 that section of LG microwave ovens, but people are almost 20 years ago, the mechanical microwave, and has not yet broken through. It is a pity! Feel obliged to write this review report users known.
Time Sort average 5.0 stars Very good
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