Tuesday, January 28, 2014

User evgeniyflor referred to your entry in the record,

Listen, do macro vegetables - it's much more interesting than the macro dead insects from the top of one of the morons and much more conducive to digestion than your wonderful stories about tasty but unhealthy food.
Perhaps I'll start with you a new tradition. I will ban all the assholes that say about my food "unhealthy." Because none of these assholes do not answer a simple question: why this should be considered junk food? what they ate before, if now the most common food for them to become mygiftcardsite harmful? why people who eat this food is traditionally still not extinct?
DJ_TRANZit 2014-01-04 05:08 pm (UTC)
elenaashby 2014-01-04 05:16 pm (UTC)
Very appetizing) The most-most Radish will highlight that in the end - just not enough of these colors in life and loved that part of the leaf where smoothly grip includes hairs - very vividly, vividly, really! A few questions, with your permission: 1. This framing of some sections of the frame? 2. Some things are removed from behind mygiftcardsite the glass, right? Resourcefully, wanted to try :) 3. This pictures from the very 50Mp Hassel?
stalic 2014-01-04 05:35 pm (UTC)
User evgeniyflor referred to your entry in the record, "This is not just like that! "In the context of [...] Original taken from in all this is not just! [...]
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