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Home Articles Islamic fiqh ruling moral beliefs futile heresy weak hadith family health story Ramadhan Muslim manhaj review Da'wah Info daurah, donations, etc. General info download ta'lim FAQ faith family fiqh Other Muslim manhaj Send Questions Send Questions Review Interactive Ramadhan
Definition of Al-Imam Al-Jauhari rahimahullahu quoting from Al-Ashmuâ i that there are 4 reading on Ø Ø ØÙŠØ : 1. With mendhammah hamzah: Ø Ù Ø Ù'ØÙ ÙŠÙ'ÙŽØ ÛŒ 2. With mengkasrah hamzah: Ø Ù Ø Ù'ØÙ ÙŠÙ'ÙŽØ ÛŒ plural for two words above are Ø ÙŽØ ÙŽØ ØÙ us can with or without mentasydidnya mentasydid ya` (takhfīf). 3. Ø ÙŽØÙ ÙŠÙ'ÙŽØ ÛŒ with memfathah letter ḍād, plural is Ø ÙŽØÙŽØ ÙŠÙŽØ 4. Ø ÙŽØ Ù'ØÙŽØ Ø ÛŒ and plural are Ø ÙŽØ Ù'ØÙŽÙ From This is the origin of the word naming feast Ø ÙŽØ Ù'ØÙŽÙ taken. It says literally: futile Ø ÙŽØÙ'ÙŽÙ ÙŠÙ Ø ÙŽØÙ'Ù us ØªÙŽØ Ù'ØÙ ÙŠÙŽØ Ù <Ù Ù Ù Ù ... Ù Ø ÙŽØÙ'Ù ÙÙŽ Al-Qadi rahimahullahu explains: â œDisebut such as implementation (slaughter) is at the time Ø Ù ou <Ù (Duha) is the start siang.â The definitions futile in Personality i, described by Al-â ~Allamah Syamsulhaq Abu Tayeb Muhammad Al-â ~Azhim immortal in his book â ~Aunul maa bud (7/379): â œHewan slaughtered on nahr (Eid al Adha) in order taqarrub (closer) to Allah Subhanahu wa TAA ala.â (See Al -Majmuâ 8/215, Sharh Muslim 13/93, 11/115 Bari Fath, 4/166 Subulus Salam, Nailul futile Authar 5/196, â ~Aunul maa bud 7/379, Adhwa`ul futile Bayan 3 / 470)
The priority futile of the Shari'a and Evidence indicating disyariatkannya slaughter sacrificial animals futile is the Qur'an, futile the Sunnah, and the consensus futile of the scholars. As for the Qur'an, which is the word of Allah Subhanahu wa TAA ala: Ù ÙŽØμÙŽÙ "HU'U Ù" Ù Ø ÙŽØ Ù'Ù ÙƒÙŽ ÙÙŽØ Ù Ù'ØÙŽØ Ù 'â œMaka Prayer as your Lord and slaughter of animals qurban.â (Al-Kawthar: 2) According to some commentators, such as Ikrimah, Mujahid, Qatadah, â ~Atha`, and others, Ø Ù "Ù Ù'ÙŽØÙ'Ø Ù in the paragraph above is slaughtering sacrificial animals. Ash-Syinqithi rahimahullahu in Adhwa`ul Bayan (3/470) asserts: â œTidak faint again that slaughtering sacrificial animals entered in the generality futile of paragraph ÙÙŽØ Ù Ù'ØÙŽØ Ù'.â Also generality word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Evil : ÙÙŽØ Ù "Ù'Ø Ù Ø Ù'Ù uz Ø ÙŽØ ÙŽÙ" HU'U ÙŽØ Ù ÙŽØ Ù "Ù ... Ù ÙŽÙƒÙ" Ù ... Ù Ù Ù 'Ø'ÙŽØ ÙŽØ Ø|Ù Ø Ù Ø Ù "Ù" Ù Ù Ù "Ù ... Ù ÙŽÙƒÙ 'ÙŠÙ Ù Ù Ù ÙŽØ Ø ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ø ÛŒ Ù'ÙƒÙ ÙŽØ Ø Ù Ø Ø ÙØ Ø Ù'Ù ... UZ Ø Ù "Ù" Ù Ù Ø ÙŽÙ "ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ù ÙŽØ ØμÙŽÙÙŽØ Ù Ù'ÙŽ Uzo Ù Ù Ø ÙŽØ ÙÙŽØ ÙŽØ ÙŽØªÙ 'Ø Ù Ù Ù ÙÙ 'ou ÙŽÙƒÙ Ù Ù Ù ÙŽØ "ÙØ Ù Ù Ù ... Ù HU'U ÙŽØ ÙÙŽØ Uzo Ù ... Ù ÙØ Ù'Ø Ù Ø Ù" Ù'Ù,ÙŽØ futile Ù ÙÙŽØ Ù Ø ÙŽ Ù "Ù ... Ø Ù'ØªÙŽØ HU'U Ù'ÙŽ â œDan has made for you the camels had some of the symbols of Allah, you get a lot of good in it, remember ye the name of Allah over them in a standing position futile (for sacrifice). When they have fallen (dead), eat some and feed the people who are willing to do what he has (which is not begging) and those who meminta.â (Al-Hajj: 36) Shaikh futile Ahmad bin Yahya An -Najmi in Sahnaz Rabbil Wadud (1/370) submitted to the generality of the preceding paragraph to show the Shari'a slaughtering sacrificial animals. He explained: â œKata Ø Ù "Ù'Ø Ù Ø Ù'Ù UZ includes all animals slaughtered either a camel, cow or kambing.â
As for the arguments of the Sunnah, indicated by the word he sallallaahu â ~alaihi wa sallam and his actions. Among the words he is the hadith Al-Bara` bin â ~Azib radi 'anhu: Ø Ù Ø Ù Ù'ÙŽ ÙŽÙÙ'ÙŽÙ "UZ ÙŽØ Ù Ù ... Ù Ø ÙŽØ Ù'Ø ÙŽØ Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù ... Ù US ÙŠÙŽÙÙ'Ù ÙŽØ Ù Ù Ø Uzo ÙŽØ Ù Ù "Ù Ù ØμÙŽÙ" HU'U ÙŠÙŽ Ø Ù Ù ... Ù Ù'ÙŽ Uzo Ù Ù Ù'Ø Ù Ø ÙŽ Ù'ØÙŽØ Ù Ù ... Ù ÙŽØŒ Ù "Ù futile ÙŽØ ÙŽÙ" Ù Ù Ù ÙŽÙ,ÙŽØ Ù "Ø Ù ÙŽØμÙŽØ Ø ÙŽ Ø Ù Ù'َتَ٠Uzo ÙÙŽÙ Ù Ù ... 'Ø ÙŽØ ÙŽØÙŽ Ù,ÙŽØ Ù'Ù "Ù Ù Ù Ù Uzo Ù'ÙŽÙ ÙŽØ Ù Ù ... Ù ÙÙŽ" ÙŽØÙ'Ù futile ... ÛŒ Ù,ÙŽØ Ù' Ù ... Ù Ù Ù "Ù Ø Ù HU'U" Ù Ù Ù Ù "Ù ... Ù ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ø ÙŽ uz Ø Ù Ù" Ù Ù Ù HU'U Ø Ù ÙƒÙ us Ø'ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ø Ù â œSesungguhnya we first started on this day is prayer. Then we go home and slaughter the sacrificial animals. futile Whoever commits that he complies with the sunnah us, and those who have been slaughtered before it is but flesh that he dedicated to his family, excluding worship stabbing sedikitpun.â (HR. Al-Bukhari, no. 5545 and Muslim no. 1961 / 7) Among his works is the hadeeth of Anas bin Malik radi 'anhu: Ø ÙŽØÙ'ÙŽÙ Ø ÙŽØ Ù ÙÙ "Ø Ù Ù" Ù "Ù Ù ØμÙŽÙ" Ù'ÙŽÙ Ø Ù "Ù" Ù Ø ÙŽÙ Ù "Ù ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ù ÙÙŽØ ÙŽÙ" Ù'ÙŽÙ ... ou uz ÙƒÙŽØ Ù'Ø'ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ù Ø Ù Ù ... HU'U "Ø Ù ÙŽØÙŽÙŠÙ'Ù ÙŽÙ,Ù'Ø ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ù Ù Ù Ù Ø ÙŽØ ÙŽØÙŽÙ ÙŽØ Ù ... Ù Ù ou ÙŠÙŽØ Ù ÙÙŽØ ÙŽÙ ... Ù'ÙŽÙ ÙÙŽÙƒÙŽØ Ù'ÙŽØ Ø Ù uz ÙÙŽÙÙŽØ ÙŽØ ÙŽ Ø Ù ' Ù "Ù Ø ÙŽÙ Ù" Ù Ù uz ØμÙ ÙŽØ ØÙ Ù ... Ù Ù â œRasulullah ÙŽØ sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
Home Articles Islamic fiqh ruling moral beliefs futile heresy weak hadith family health story Ramadhan Muslim manhaj review Da'wah Info daurah, donations, etc. General info download ta'lim FAQ faith family fiqh Other Muslim manhaj Send Questions Send Questions Review Interactive Ramadhan
Definition of Al-Imam Al-Jauhari rahimahullahu quoting from Al-Ashmuâ i that there are 4 reading on Ø Ø ØÙŠØ : 1. With mendhammah hamzah: Ø Ù Ø Ù'ØÙ ÙŠÙ'ÙŽØ ÛŒ 2. With mengkasrah hamzah: Ø Ù Ø Ù'ØÙ ÙŠÙ'ÙŽØ ÛŒ plural for two words above are Ø ÙŽØ ÙŽØ ØÙ us can with or without mentasydidnya mentasydid ya` (takhfīf). 3. Ø ÙŽØÙ ÙŠÙ'ÙŽØ ÛŒ with memfathah letter ḍād, plural is Ø ÙŽØÙŽØ ÙŠÙŽØ 4. Ø ÙŽØ Ù'ØÙŽØ Ø ÛŒ and plural are Ø ÙŽØ Ù'ØÙŽÙ From This is the origin of the word naming feast Ø ÙŽØ Ù'ØÙŽÙ taken. It says literally: futile Ø ÙŽØÙ'ÙŽÙ ÙŠÙ Ø ÙŽØÙ'Ù us ØªÙŽØ Ù'ØÙ ÙŠÙŽØ Ù <Ù Ù Ù Ù ... Ù Ø ÙŽØÙ'Ù ÙÙŽ Al-Qadi rahimahullahu explains: â œDisebut such as implementation (slaughter) is at the time Ø Ù ou <Ù (Duha) is the start siang.â The definitions futile in Personality i, described by Al-â ~Allamah Syamsulhaq Abu Tayeb Muhammad Al-â ~Azhim immortal in his book â ~Aunul maa bud (7/379): â œHewan slaughtered on nahr (Eid al Adha) in order taqarrub (closer) to Allah Subhanahu wa TAA ala.â (See Al -Majmuâ 8/215, Sharh Muslim 13/93, 11/115 Bari Fath, 4/166 Subulus Salam, Nailul futile Authar 5/196, â ~Aunul maa bud 7/379, Adhwa`ul futile Bayan 3 / 470)
The priority futile of the Shari'a and Evidence indicating disyariatkannya slaughter sacrificial animals futile is the Qur'an, futile the Sunnah, and the consensus futile of the scholars. As for the Qur'an, which is the word of Allah Subhanahu wa TAA ala: Ù ÙŽØμÙŽÙ "HU'U Ù" Ù Ø ÙŽØ Ù'Ù ÙƒÙŽ ÙÙŽØ Ù Ù'ØÙŽØ Ù 'â œMaka Prayer as your Lord and slaughter of animals qurban.â (Al-Kawthar: 2) According to some commentators, such as Ikrimah, Mujahid, Qatadah, â ~Atha`, and others, Ø Ù "Ù Ù'ÙŽØÙ'Ø Ù in the paragraph above is slaughtering sacrificial animals. Ash-Syinqithi rahimahullahu in Adhwa`ul Bayan (3/470) asserts: â œTidak faint again that slaughtering sacrificial animals entered in the generality futile of paragraph ÙÙŽØ Ù Ù'ØÙŽØ Ù'.â Also generality word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Evil : ÙÙŽØ Ù "Ù'Ø Ù Ø Ù'Ù uz Ø ÙŽØ ÙŽÙ" HU'U ÙŽØ Ù ÙŽØ Ù "Ù ... Ù ÙŽÙƒÙ" Ù ... Ù Ù Ù 'Ø'ÙŽØ ÙŽØ Ø|Ù Ø Ù Ø Ù "Ù" Ù Ù Ù "Ù ... Ù ÙŽÙƒÙ 'ÙŠÙ Ù Ù Ù ÙŽØ Ø ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ø ÛŒ Ù'ÙƒÙ ÙŽØ Ø Ù Ø Ø ÙØ Ø Ù'Ù ... UZ Ø Ù "Ù" Ù Ù Ø ÙŽÙ "ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ù ÙŽØ ØμÙŽÙÙŽØ Ù Ù'ÙŽ Uzo Ù Ù Ø ÙŽØ ÙÙŽØ ÙŽØ ÙŽØªÙ 'Ø Ù Ù Ù ÙÙ 'ou ÙŽÙƒÙ Ù Ù Ù ÙŽØ "ÙØ Ù Ù Ù ... Ù HU'U ÙŽØ ÙÙŽØ Uzo Ù ... Ù ÙØ Ù'Ø Ù Ø Ù" Ù'Ù,ÙŽØ futile Ù ÙÙŽØ Ù Ø ÙŽ Ù "Ù ... Ø Ù'ØªÙŽØ HU'U Ù'ÙŽ â œDan has made for you the camels had some of the symbols of Allah, you get a lot of good in it, remember ye the name of Allah over them in a standing position futile (for sacrifice). When they have fallen (dead), eat some and feed the people who are willing to do what he has (which is not begging) and those who meminta.â (Al-Hajj: 36) Shaikh futile Ahmad bin Yahya An -Najmi in Sahnaz Rabbil Wadud (1/370) submitted to the generality of the preceding paragraph to show the Shari'a slaughtering sacrificial animals. He explained: â œKata Ø Ù "Ù'Ø Ù Ø Ù'Ù UZ includes all animals slaughtered either a camel, cow or kambing.â
As for the arguments of the Sunnah, indicated by the word he sallallaahu â ~alaihi wa sallam and his actions. Among the words he is the hadith Al-Bara` bin â ~Azib radi 'anhu: Ø Ù Ø Ù Ù'ÙŽ ÙŽÙÙ'ÙŽÙ "UZ ÙŽØ Ù Ù ... Ù Ø ÙŽØ Ù'Ø ÙŽØ Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù ... Ù US ÙŠÙŽÙÙ'Ù ÙŽØ Ù Ù Ø Uzo ÙŽØ Ù Ù "Ù Ù ØμÙŽÙ" HU'U ÙŠÙŽ Ø Ù Ù ... Ù Ù'ÙŽ Uzo Ù Ù Ù'Ø Ù Ø ÙŽ Ù'ØÙŽØ Ù Ù ... Ù ÙŽØŒ Ù "Ù futile ÙŽØ ÙŽÙ" Ù Ù Ù ÙŽÙ,ÙŽØ Ù "Ø Ù ÙŽØμÙŽØ Ø ÙŽ Ø Ù Ù'َتَ٠Uzo ÙÙŽÙ Ù Ù ... 'Ø ÙŽØ ÙŽØÙŽ Ù,ÙŽØ Ù'Ù "Ù Ù Ù Ù Uzo Ù'ÙŽÙ ÙŽØ Ù Ù ... Ù ÙÙŽ" ÙŽØÙ'Ù futile ... ÛŒ Ù,ÙŽØ Ù' Ù ... Ù Ù Ù "Ù Ø Ù HU'U" Ù Ù Ù Ù "Ù ... Ù ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ø ÙŽ uz Ø Ù Ù" Ù Ù Ù HU'U Ø Ù ÙƒÙ us Ø'ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ø Ù â œSesungguhnya we first started on this day is prayer. Then we go home and slaughter the sacrificial animals. futile Whoever commits that he complies with the sunnah us, and those who have been slaughtered before it is but flesh that he dedicated to his family, excluding worship stabbing sedikitpun.â (HR. Al-Bukhari, no. 5545 and Muslim no. 1961 / 7) Among his works is the hadeeth of Anas bin Malik radi 'anhu: Ø ÙŽØÙ'ÙŽÙ Ø ÙŽØ Ù ÙÙ "Ø Ù Ù" Ù "Ù Ù ØμÙŽÙ" Ù'ÙŽÙ Ø Ù "Ù" Ù Ø ÙŽÙ Ù "Ù ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ù ÙÙŽØ ÙŽÙ" Ù'ÙŽÙ ... ou uz ÙƒÙŽØ Ù'Ø'ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ù Ø Ù Ù ... HU'U "Ø Ù ÙŽØÙŽÙŠÙ'Ù ÙŽÙ,Ù'Ø ÙŽÙŠÙ'Ù Ù Ù Ù Ø ÙŽØ ÙŽØÙŽÙ ÙŽØ Ù ... Ù Ù ou ÙŠÙŽØ Ù ÙÙŽØ ÙŽÙ ... Ù'ÙŽÙ ÙÙŽÙƒÙŽØ Ù'ÙŽØ Ø Ù uz ÙÙŽÙÙŽØ ÙŽØ ÙŽ Ø Ù ' Ù "Ù Ø ÙŽÙ Ù" Ù Ù uz ØμÙ ÙŽØ ØÙ Ù ... Ù Ù â œRasulullah ÙŽØ sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
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