Automation_World_2015 Automation_World_2015 | 3D Machine Vision System: Laser triangulation methods - CYLOD Co., Ltd Automation_World_2015 | TCL - LINE Series - SPO Inc. Automation_World_2015 | County Manager "CM Series" - KACON Automation_World_2015 | 2D laser scanner "R2000" - Pepperl + Fuchs
Suzuki Shokan Ltd shows stations for hydrogen fuel cell forklift "SmartFuel" FC EXPO 2015 they presented a hydrogen station in low supply pressure corresponding to small hydrogen tank that are stacked on trolleys. Website: Script
Hello. Today in this exhibition, our company exhibited a hydrogen station for fuel cell forklift. I will explain the reason why our show. Now in society hydrogen, hydrogen cars will attempt to spread. Our company has been paying attention to the forklift to play a roll in the generation next. We will release supply station for hydrogen in fuel cell forklift. In the United States, it is already in widespread use. In Japan, the trolley will sell after the demonstration test in the future. This is 35 MPa hydrogen pressure station. Station for hydrogen cars is 70 megapascals. This station is hydrogen at low pressure. In order to reduce the size of the forklift itself, trolleys have a smaller tank to reduce the pressure. wendy In the US, the size of the caddy decrease by small container of hydrogen. At the factory, a forklift not need to run the distance as the vehicle. Someone calculated amount of hydrogen gas is used on site, and it is assumed that 35 megapascals per day. The station was regarded as the hydrogen. It will be given by mouth this. It can provide a one-touch. We put the power of this product, we would like to spread wendy around wendy the country. Please wendy take a look. Thank you.
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09 Apr 2015
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