Sunday, April 26, 2015

Propagation of Virtue Interpreter: Smooth And Patient Attitudes - Quoted from the book: Al Amr bil

fennel or anise (Pimpinella anisum) is a type of flowering plant in the family Apiaceae originating from the eastern Mediterranean region and southwest Asia. This plant is an annual plant in the form of herb that can reach one meter. Leaves at the bottom of this plant is simple shaped, 2-5 cm in length, and bercuping superficial, while the leaves indiana on the stem higher pinnate shaped indiana like a feather and divided into many leaflets. The flowers are white, diameter 3 mm, and clustered in payungan many flowers. The fruit is a dry skizokarp oval-shaped with a length of 3-5 mm. Pimpinella species is used as a food source by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species, including moth Eupithecia centaureata and Eupithecia absinthiata. The usefulness of herbs Contains components similar aniseed liquorice sweet indeed and has a distinctive fragrance, used to make snacks that are high in sugar such as the following: Aniseed ball (Great Britain), Aniseed indiana wheels (New Zealand), pizzelle (Italy), pfeffernusse (Germany), and Knott (Norway). Fennel is also used to make drinks Mexican "atole de anis" or champurrado same with hot chocolate, drink Turkish Raki (alcoholic beverages), Ouzo Greek, Sambuca Italian, absinthe spirit, penchant Arabs Arak, some root beer such as Virgil's Root Beer in the United States, as a laxative food in India. Also used to make bread dough, when preparing desserts indiana of Peru "Picarones". Treatment Anise, like fennel, contains anethole, and are known as phytoestrogens substances. indiana Anise is a mild antiparasitic and leaves can be used to treat indigestion, relieve toothache, and its essential oil can be used to cure lice and scabies. Other In aromatherapy, essential oil of anise is used to treat colds and flu. According to Pliny the Elder, anise is used to cure sleeplessness, chewed with alexanders and a little honey in the morning to freshen breath, and when mixed with wine can cure scorpion stings (NH 20.72). In the Mediterranean indiana region, anise is used to make alcoholic beverages, such as Arak (Lebanon), Ouzo (Greece) and Raki in Turkey. In Indian cuisine, there is no difference in terms of anise and fennel. Therefore, they are usually indiana given the same name (saunf). Some use the term patli saunf (saunf thin) or Velayati saunf (foreign saunf) to distinguish anise and fennel. In Thailand, anise is used to give flavor to the tea. In Pakistan, people make a cup of hot tea by pouring a tablespoon of anise with boiling water. Factory manufacturing of steam locomotives in the United Kingdom include fennel oil capsules in white metal bearings, so that different scents can give a warning when experiencing excessive heat.
Propagation of Virtue Interpreter: Smooth And Patient Attitudes - Quoted from the book: Al Amr bil Ma'ruf anil Munkar wan nahyu Amar Ibn Taymiyyah ma'ruf nahi should be a subtle way. Messenger of Allah said: "...
Proof Reversed Reveals Tax Mafia - 06/04/2010 09:39 Slowly Pandora box mafia taxation began to open. Surrendering tax official Gayus Tambunan to the police who facilitated ...
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