Tuesday, February 10, 2015

PREPARATION: To prepare hot dog our Caprese salad cut the tomato and mozzarella into slices and pla

PREPARATION: To prepare hot dog our Caprese salad cut the tomato and mozzarella into slices and place them in alternating serving dish. We put over some basil leaves, season and watered with olive oil A salad of Italian origin, specifically the island hot dog of Capri, whose colors are reminiscent hot dog of the Italian flag. Basil brings an impressive freshness. hot dog Today marks three years in your company. My, the things I've learned in this time and the good old times !! This has caught me more than any other activity and that I am always hot dog doing things for the most varied; well, I'm hooked to the extent hot dog that, at home, when someone asks me a voice is heard: "It will be with her boyfriend, hot dog the computer" This past year I have been ready to leave because we are living a very difficult situation: my brother Little, 47, takes over a year fighting a bloody pancreatic cancer, hot dog and there are. My activity with the blog is still much smaller, I have little time but otherwise the only thing that relaxes me and what I get "off" a bit different. Thanks to everyone s for your company, your views, your comments and thank my family, without hot dog your support this would be much more difficult. We also hope to facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lasrecetillasderomo and twitter: https://twitter.com/RecetasRomo
Paquita Hi, I just know that this salad has captivated me, I love caprese hot dog and yours has a view that is inserted through the eyes, delicious !!! Although I just got, I hope you celebrate your third anniversary as it should, and that recovery of your insurance brother come soon. A kiss and if you wish, I hope my blog + De Buena Mesa http://denuestracasa.blogspot.com Reply Delete
First of all congratulations for the three years of your blog and wished to double and triple. To me you celebrate with a perfect recipe because it's my favorite salad thousand kisses! http://losdulcessecretosdecuca.blogspot.com.es Reply Delete
Congratulations !! this 3 cumpleblog. A great salad to celebrate. Take care of your brother, unasaludable power to help you not feed that "damn thing" which is cancer, they destroy food and feed not more, to continue growing. A saludito Reply Delete
Hello and despite Merry situation Year, I wish your brother better and can celebrate, that's what matters ... The blog is a great hobby where we come to make friends, but it's normal to be paying your attention on what is important. I send you all my love and support !!! Muyyy affectionate hug !!! Reply Remove
Thank you for your comments !!! I try to mention to everyone but if I have time, at least I read. Due to time constraints, this blog does not participate in chains premios.De Anyway, thanks for thinking of me.
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