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Garnish with a basil leaf on the cheese.
Mexican entrepreneur, plastic and sybaritic artist. His life revolves around the good life, gastronomy, art, travel and culture; exploring new trends and experiences in restaurants, hotels, spas and destinations, to recommend flames and share with their fans, followers and readers.
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Attempt Environment (20) Brunch (16) Chic (18) Wine (21) Breakfast (15) Sleepless (13) Family-friendly (area / children's menu) (28) Live music, DJ (14) Business (32) Lunches, gourmet shop (15) Pet Friendly (8) Pizza and wine (6) Desserts (12) Romantic, Special occasions (31) Private rooms (16) Service flames / banquets at home (15) Singles (17) Terrace (44 ) To drink (17)
Area Anzures / Polanco (59) Azcapotzalco (4) Center (9) Condesa / Roma / Narvarte (28) Cuauhtémoc / Reforma Centro / Tabacalera (10) Interlomas (6) Las Lomas (13) Lindavista (2) Naples / Del Valle / Florida flames (9) Santa Fe / Forests (21) Satellite (7) South (19)
Kitchen (2) Arabic (3) Argentina (6) Baja Californian (1) Brazilian (1) Meat (5) China (1) Contemporary (12) Korean (2) Signature (8) Spanish (8) French (12 ) Greek (1) Indian (1) International (18) Italian (15) Japanese (9) Lebanese (2) Mediterranean (8) Mexican (30) Peruvian (2) Fish and Seafood (11) Polish (1) Portuguese (1 ) Rotisserie (1) Sandwiches (2) Thai (2) Basque (7) Yucatan (1)
Mexican entrepreneur, plastic and sybaritic artist. His life revolves around flames the good life, gastronomy, art, travel and culture; exploring new trends and experiences in restaurants, hotels, spas and destinations, to recommend and share with their fans, followers and readers.
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