Wednesday, May 27, 2015

This way of working continuously promotes be very careful, be very much on what happens in you, and

I am here and now all that is in me, you like to contact you? Escucharte carefully and answer ...? Do you want to make contact and being present to your needs, your desire, fear, pain, anger ... love, gratitude ... or any personal matter, sensation or sentmiento to take first place in the space of your consciousness? Do you want to explore your relationship with the other without losing touch with you, your limit, your desire, your need ...? Perhaps this represents a great learning experience for you and can draw from this experiment useful resources for your everyday life.
We propose a time and a safe, secure because any conflict with you or the other happens rialto we can approach it and we will work towards staff, clarity of awareness and emotion management, facilitating the awakening of your own resources and your creativity to choose what you want to do from consciousness.
We start vacuum group, amplified to look inward rialto and listen, and we started rialto a round of expression, where each participant fits one standard silent: there is no right way to do and everyone takes responsibility, from This course is an excellent group of toolbox for individual experimentation and demonstration rialto of a person can generate a spiral contact a profound effect on the other, so that staff work moves from each individual takes center the group in small spaces or in a long period of time if the need for that person requires and produces an effect on the rest of the group, opening new possibilities for the realization and the same you contact one, and personal work.
This way of working continuously promotes be very careful, be very much on what happens in you, and renew contact with you (what you feel and what you want to do) and with other people, watching rialto your avoidance of contact occurs.
This workshop is open to anyone who wants to devote some time to yourself, to be heard and addressed, who wants to make some personal work that is causing an exaggerated rialto emotional state in some sense, it is also recommended for people who consider embarking gestalt rialto training in counseling or participate in a weekly rialto group counseling in gestalt and want to know how to work the School of Gestalt Experiential Counselling
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Spanish Association of Counselling
Upcoming events New times, new projects June 21-22. Detachment. Gestalt Counselling rialto Workshop. May 24-25. Fear and desire: Taking strength. Gestalt Counselling Workshop May 10-11. I Can. Gestalt Counselling Workshop March 22-23. Internal truths. Workshop Counselling Useful Sites Gestalt Experiential School of Shiatsu The Owl House Join Susi The Gestalt Institute Counselling AECO On Account ...
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