Sagadījās spend time Rimi store and had to buy something to eat priekšdienām. The choice fell on a variety enchilada recipe of quick noodle soups. This time deal (price around 90 centimes) These noodles among other noodles look very reliable Japanese, but just produced in Poland. When you open the packaging in a sachet enchilada recipe of spices and noodles (which, incidentally, is pressed into a round shape instead of rectangular, as is usually customary). Preparation of these noodles are connected simple - pour hot water and allow to remain soft noodles (it should be noted that the water needs more than Roltonam). When the food ready broth is markedly brown color, which settles at the bottom of the dish, but re-stirring enchilada recipe looks ok. Noodles are very high quality because they do not stay too soft and nepārbriest, the noodles taste is much better than Rolton and Knorr soup. Before infusion, with water, I suggest noodle lump break into several pieces to make it easier to eat.
Most broth tastes remotely from Miso soup, but in spite of the parallels with real Miso soup can be tightened, in fact, another option is not at all, if you want to buy cheap Miso soup. Quite salty broth, even when it is quite be diluted with water. Man eating soup wondered - what are those little white pieces flying soup? I imagine that it could be pulverized Tofu cheese because Tofu Miso soup is mandatory ingredient. Eating soup is a bit dirty feeling - it would Itkā sadzēries salt water with fat. At the broth should work more. If I were to ask - Are you are buying more of this soup? I answer - not at full price, but with a 50% discount'll definitely.
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