S reprehensible delay writing about primaries in Arizona and Michigan, which took place on February 28. As is clear from the title, pepperoni the situation pepperoni does not evolve for Newt Gingrich at all well. Conversely, Mitt Romney seems to be gaining in front superúterým (March 6), third breath. Kaukusům, which took place between 11 and Feb. 29 in Wyoming, I will discuss next, along with kaukusy in the state of Washington to be held today. Tell you that i won here Mitt Romney. Arizona orange, yellow and red Wyoming Michigan
Less than a week before primaries in Arizona and Michigan (February 22) held a debate of Republican candidates. One of the leading bloggers on the Washington Post declared the winner Ron Paul and Mitt Romney, as a loser named Rick Santoruma.
In this arid a Southern state, which is known mainly for Grand Canyon convincingly won Mitt Romney. Victory was expected. In Arizona Mormons make up only 4% of the population, but 14% of voters. Romney's popularity among Mormons can be compared with only about Obama's popularity among African Americans (Obama had the support of the presidential election in 2008 95% of African-Americans, Romney won in Arizona, 96% and 88% in Nevada Mormon votes). Another important factor which ensured Romney victory was in January of popular support for Arizona Sen. John McCain, presidential candidate of the last presidential election. Romney, after he resigned pepperoni four years ago, the fight for the Republican nomination, McCain supported the candidacy now.
Results are as follows: Romney won almost half the votes cast, more than a quarter Santorum, Gingrich received 16% and Paul did not even reach 10%. In Arizona, the system applies the "winner takes all" and therefore Romney gets all 29 delegates.
Along with Arizona primaries took place even in Michigan, the state of the automotive industry and Eminem. They were closely watched because it promised a thrilling duel. In 13 of the 15 surveys, which took place between 17 and 27 February, the difference between the current prime candidates Romney and Santorumem difference is only in the context pepperoni of the standard deviation. For Romney, a Michigan moreover symbolic meaning. Born in Detroit, pepperoni the largest city of the state and his father worked there as governor.
The campaign was marked by controversy Santorumovou challenge toward the Democrats, let him elected in open primaries (for refreshment, in open primaries, voters can vote and members of other parties pepperoni or independent). Romney this challenge as "outrageous" and "disgusting". On the one hand, and the involvement of the non-registered Republicans sense of open primaries. On the other hand, if such a call is coming from a candidate who is his attitude far removed from the liberal, it raises certain podezdření.
Romney finally achieved pepperoni victory in Michigan. With 41% of the vote defeated by 3% Rick Santoruma. With a big loss came from the results of Ron Paul (12%) and Newt Gingrich (7%). Of the thirty Michigan's delegates to Romney's 16 and 14 Santorumových.
Although I after the primaries in Florida Santoruma odepsával, which turned out to be a mistake, I doubt that the chances pepperoni Newt Gingrich is now fully in place. pepperoni Nezazářil (nor nezaleskl) in Michigan, Arizona and eventually even in Wyoming. If we look into the past, in second place was last in Nevada. Nothing we can expect from him in Washington (there is a slight favorite before Santorumem Romney, Gingrich may just try not to stay last). During the rapidly approaching Super Tuesday is likely to win the domestic Georgia, also could capture a maximum of 1 or 2 second places. It certainly had a great chance, pepperoni if it is established that Rick Santorum is a mass murderer or worse (ie. An illegitimate pepperoni child), the fight does. If he wants to Gingrich in election still talk, he should give up and support the candidacy of one of the pair Santorum-Romney.
I would appreciate if I discuss in the individual articles to notify errors in the text. Whether it will be a factual or grammatical errors. First appreciate more, others will, I suppose, is more likely. Otherwise, comment on, discuss, even slightly critical feedback please.
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