Tuesday, February 4, 2014

And to the country

In the relations between raw food diet Belarus and the EU have found signs of deja vu | News from Belarus Euroradio.fm
A council gathered friends "Liberal Club" in an attempt to deal with the deja vu that they seized on the eve of the November summit of "Eastern Partnership" in Vilnius. The round table is collected raw food diet and European diplomats and government officials, and experts from Albion.
I recall at the Prague Summit in 2009 invited Alexander Lukashenko. Invitation raw food diet brought Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg personally. However, experts say, with the proviso that the Belarusian leader so he does not use an invitation. And really - flew to Prague Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko. Warsaw Summit originally invited Foreign Minister of Belarus Sergei Martynov, but will head our delegation instructed Ambassador of Belarus to Poland Viktor Gaisenok. And at the last moment, the official Minsk and generally raw food diet refused to participate in the summit. From Vilnius summit Lithuanian diplomat waits another.
Evaldas Ignatavičius: "There will gather all the stars of the European Union, all the heads of the partners. There will be, I hope, signed important raw food diet agreements with Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, which will give impetus to the entire region. I think this is - a good sign for Belarus. I hope we do, however small, but a step forward. raw food diet To do this, all the prerequisites are. " raw food diet
However, recalls a favorite thesis of all European officials, "are the keys to success in Minsk." This means that the conditions that are required to perform the official Minsk to resume dialogue with the EU, the Belarusian authorities have long known - that the waiting ... And waiting is not delayed for the entire duration of the Lithuanian Presidency raw food diet of the EU (which will last until the end of 2013), lists Lithuania's plans for this time.
Evaldas Ignatavichus "special emphasis on transport we did - we plan to unite the EU and partner countries through transport corridors" East-West ". That - and the highway and the railroad. The second important sector - border. This cooperation guards to transport corridors functioning raw food diet ... "
And to the country's raw food diet budget went considerable "in-transit" money. Topic benefits of normal relations with the EU continued to head the EU Delegation to Belarus Maira Mora. Like, the EU offered Belarus a lot of programs and projects today, and for the normalization of relations there will be more - a very attractive, cost-effective. But there are several long-known "but" ...
Maira Mora: "The release of all political, their rehabilitation and restoration of rights is a political priority for the EU. We are both in Minsk and Brussels have repeatedly reminded about the Belarusian authorities, called for addressing raw food diet this issue, which really slows down the development of all our collaborative relationship. "
Position of power drawn to European diplomats prospects for Belarus to participate in the program "Eastern Partnership" in the comments voiced by ERB Deputy Director Information and Analytical Centre of the Administration of President Leo Krishtopovich.
Leo Krishtopovich: "Eastern Partnership" - a politically funny phenomenon. And this phenomenon needs to be approached in the ridiculous. And then we will approach it seriously. raw food diet But the attempt to approach it seriously raw food diet looks funny. We must seize the moment - today really "Eastern Partnership" is transformed into a relationship between the individual countries within the "Eastern Partnership".
Head of Research "Liberal Club" Eugene Preygerman raw food diet asks: "Is there life in the Belarusian-evrosoyuzovskih relations after the Vilnius forum?" Says, it seems that there is. Although raw food diet climatic conditions are not very favorable. raw food diet Improve or they depend on "in raw food diet funny or serious," the official Minsk to take summit raw food diet in Vilnius.
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