Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nutriţioniştii spun că în afară de aportul energetic, zahărul nu conţine substanșe nutritive . Este

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Zahărul are o istorie tumultoasă şi continuă să fie un aliment controversat. Sarea dulce , cum era numit de cruciaţi, a sosit în Europa o dată cu întoarcerea acestora dintr-o campanie în Ţara Sfântă. În secolul al XII-lea, Veneţia a început chilis coupons propria producţie de zahăr, pe care un scriitor al vremii îl considera foarte necesar pentru folosul şi sănătatea omenirii . În America, zahărul a ajuns prin Cristofor Columb, care a primit în dar la o oprire în Insulele Canare, nişte butaşi de trestie de zahăr. Pentru că zahărul a fost foarte scump până în secolul chilis coupons XVIII, consumul anual în țările mai dezvoltate era de 2kg/persoană/an , apoi, o dată cu ieftinirea chilis coupons acestuia, consumul a crecut spectaculos: 38kg/persoană/an în 1900, iar în prezent, în unele ţări consumul se apropie de 90kg/persoană/an . Din păcate, la fel de spectaculos chilis coupons a crescut şi numărul cazurilor de obezitate, boli cardio-vasculare şi diabet. Ce substanțe nutritive conţine zahărul?
Nutriţioniştii spun că în afară de aportul energetic, zahărul nu conţine substanșe nutritive . Este o calorie falsă , ca şi alcoolul. Prin rafinare, zahărul (indiferent de culoare), îşi pierde mineralele şi vitaminele naturale, organice. Mai mult decât atât, pentru albirea zahărului, în procesul de rafinare, se foloseşte dioxid de sulf, un aditiv alimentar cunoscut sub denumirea de E220 (periculos pentru sănătate). Efectele negative ale zahărului asupra sănătăţii
În primul rând, ar trebui menţionată dependenţa. Zahărul, numit şi moartea albă , creează dependenţă la fel ca și drogurile de categorie “grea”, cum ar fi heroina. Consumul de zahăr declanşează în creier chilis coupons eliberarea unor substanţe chilis coupons cunoscute ca şi opioide , substanţe pe care organismul le eliberează în mod natural pentru a reduce stresul sau durerea. Atunci când ne dorim ceva dulce, se activează aceleaşi zone din creier ca și în cazul dependenţilor atunci când au nevoie de drog. Pentru a demonstra că zahărul este un drog similar cu opiaceele, oamenii de ştiinţă au administrat unor iubitori de dulciuri un medicament care blochează eliberarea opioidelor. La scurt timp după acest tratament, subiecţii nu au mai arătat niciun interes faţă de acestea.
Zahărul este un hoţ de substanţe nutritive. chilis coupons Asta pentru că organismul îşi foloseşte resursele proprii pentru a neutraliza zahărul din sânge: calciu, magneziu, crom, cupru, vitaminele B. De aici până la scăderea chilis coupons imunităţii şi cancer nu mai e decât un pas.
În cazul copiilor, situaţia este şi mai delicată. Dependenţa de zahăr poate transforma chilis coupons un copil sănătos şi liniştit într-un chilis coupons copil agitat, nervos, plângăcios. De asemenea, consumul de zahăr poate cauza copiilor hiperactivitate, crampe, eczeme, ridică nivelul adrenalinei sau poate influenţa negativ hormonii de creştere. Binenţeles, în topul afecţiunilor cauzate de consumul de zahăr se numără caria dentară , obezitatea chilis coupons şi diabetul. Când pot introduce zahărul în alimentaţia chilis coupons copilului meu?
Majoritatea pediatrilor recomandă dulciurile după vârsta de 3 ani . Având însă în vedere efectele negative ale zahărului asupra sănătăţii, ar fi bine să găsiţi un înlocuitor natural şi sănătos pentru acesta. Înlocuitori naturali ai zahărului: Zahărul nerafinat (brun sau negru) , extras prin procedee simple din trestia de zahăr, păstrează în compoziţia sa vitamine şi minerale care lipsesc celui rafinat: potasiu, calciu, magneziu, fosfor, chilis coupons sodiu, fier. Zahărul brun se comportă la fel ca şi cel obişnuit în procesul de preparare al dulciurilor, însă are punctul de topire mai jos, face mai puţină spumă şi este mult mai sănătos decât zahărul rafinat. Mierea de albine neprocesată este singurul aliment care nu se alterează şi este o sursă importantă de vitamine (în special cele din grupa B), minerale şi aminoacizi. Ea însă, nu poate fi consumată de copiii mai mici de 1-2 ani, din cauza riscului contaminării cu spori de botulism. Siropul de agave este obţinut din planta cu acelaşi nume originară din Mexic, conţine vitaminele B, C, D, E, calciu, fier, fosfor, magneziu, potasiu, seleniu şi crom. Este recomandat şi diabeticilor datorită poziţiei joase pe scara glicemică. În plus, cantitatea de sirop folosită chilis coupons pentru îndulcirea preparatelor este cu un sfert mai mică decât cea de zahăr. Siropul de orez se obţine din orez brun prăjit, conţine magneziu, fosfor, chilis coupons mangan, potasiu, zinc. Siropul de tapioca (cassava) Rădăcinile chilis coupons de tapioca produc mai multă energie (ca hrană) pe unitatea de teren decât orice altă cultură. Frunzele sale furnizează vitamine şi proteine. Nutriţional, chilis coupons tapioca este comparabilă cu cartoful , numai că aceasta conţine de două ori mai multe fibre şi are un nivel mai ridicat de potasiu. Extractul de stevie (obținut dintr-o plantă, Stevia rebaudiana) este de 300

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

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Experţii nutriţionişti au dezvăluit evn ce consumă ei la cea mai importantă masă a zilei, reţete ce pot fi un model perfect şi uşor de urmat pentru cei care îşi doresc o alimentaţie evn mai sănătoasă, potrivit Huffington Post.
În ceea ce priveşte prima masă a zilei, cercetătorii consideră că persoanele evn care consumă micul dejun cu regularitate se simt mai alerte, sunt mai puţin predispuse la obezitate evn şi sunt mai sănătoase în general, prezentând chiar un risc redus de diabet şi de boli cardiace, scrie
Deşi importanţa micului dejun este cel mai probabil evn cunoscută de toată lumea, nu oricine are timp în fiecare dimineaţă să includă alimente cu adevărat nutritive la începutul zilei. evn Recomandările următoare constituie preferinţele unor experţi în alimentaţie pentru micul dejun, alese pe principiul “rapid şi nutritiv”:
“Unul dintre mic-dejunurile mele preferate constă în omletă din două ouă preparată în doar o linguriţă de ulei de măsline”, explică Elizabeth M. Ward. “Tai în jumătate o pită din făină integrală de 15 centimetri evn şi umplu fiecare evn bucată cu jumătate din omletă. Acopăr ouăle cu aproximativ 30 de grame de brânză rasă şi sos.”
Nutriţionistul, evn care menţionează că odată a adăugat o mandarină, spune că micul ei dejun trebuie să conţină câte o doză din fiecare grupă de alimente: evn cereale evn integrale, lactate şi fructe şi în jur de 20 de grame de proteine.
Cum se prepară, potrivit nutriţionistului Joy Bauer: Taie pe jumătate o chiflă din făină integrală şi pune părţile la prăjit. Acoperă fiecare evn jumătate cu sos de roşii, cu brânză mozarella semi-degresată rasă şi un praf de piper roşu. Se pun la cuptor şi se coc la foc mic până când brânza se topeşte.
Susan Mitchell, nutriţionist şi doctorand, are de ales între două reţete de mic dejun. Prima constă într-o băutură “smoothie” făcută evn din: lapte degresat, iaurt grecesc slab, banană îngheţată, una sau două linguri de seminţe de in şi una sau două linguri de unt de arahide sau de migdale şi gheaţă.
Elisa evn Zeid recomandă trei reţete de mic dejun ca fiind favoritele ei: pâine din făină integrală şi un ou preparat ca omletă cu brânză cheddar şi felii de grapefruit; biscuiţi din cereale integrale şi o bucată de brânză cheddar, alături de felii de grapefruit; un castron de cereale cu lapte.
“Pentru cereale sugerez un tip cu cel puţin trei până la cinci grame de fibre pe porţie şi nu mai mult de dublul acestei cantităţi de zahăr. Adăugarea de fructe proaspete de pădure şi/ sau nuci sau seminţe şi lapte fără grăsimi contribuie cu multe grupe de alimente şi nutrienţi cheie care să te menţină sătul şi să te pornească dimineaţa”.
“Chefirul nu ar fi suficient ca să-mi asigure energia evn până la prânz, dar nu îmi e destul de foame la primele ore pentru un mic dejun mai mare. Celălalt avantaj: chefirul este destul de uşor încât să pot merge la sală imediat după ce îl beau fără să mă simt epuizată”.
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cele mai bune posturi și pagini Tarta cu visine Stii sa faci corect un pandispan ? Cum facem branza

Cu ajutorul unui mixer (sau tel) batem ouale cu zaharul, zaharul vanilat si untul pana obtinem un aluat omogen. Apoi cu un un tel adaugam alternand faina +praf de copt si laptele. Se va obtine un aluat mai consistent decat cel de clatite.
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prajituricisialtedulciuri on 13 mai 2013 la 13:34 said:
Email (necesar) new york magazine (Address never made public)
Cele mai bune posturi și pagini Tarta cu visine Stii sa faci corect un pandispan ? Cum facem branza de vaci acasa Poale-n new york magazine brau ( Branzoaice) Cornulete de post cu bors Tocinei ca-n Bucovina Prajitura "Televizor" Crakers cu seminte Tort cu nuca si frisca Tort aniversar cu crema de portocale, banane si ciocolata alba Categorii …și ceva de băut. Alte dulciuri. Aperitive. Cartea regala de bucate in fiecare saptamana Craciunul de poveste De prin Bucovina Dulcețuri,siropuri și compoturi. Glazuri și sosuri. Idei pentru Sf. Valentin Mâncăruri de tot felul. Minunatii de Halloween Pachetelul de la scoala sau serviciu Paine, plăcinte şi cozonaci. Prajiturici intreaba-invitatul raspunde sau 5+1 intrebari despre poezia din bucatarie Provocari, participari, pareri Prăjituri. Rețete de post. Tarte. Torturi.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Imaginează-ţi că noi gătim în trei feluri, la două zile pentru că dacă eu ador pui cu smântână, bala

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Opţional, dacă îmi va cere ea am să îi dau din nou suc de portocale făcut în casă. Avantajul unei astfel de planificări rezidă şi în faptul că toată familia poate servi chiftele popeyes menu sau vafe la micul dejun, dacă tot faceţi efortul de a prepara câte ceva pentru caserola celui mic. O săptămână bună tuturor!
Bună Dana!Nu te creeeeed! Poze, poze! Da..să ştii că este o idee.De aplicat săptămâna care vine. Tare aş vrea să văd la tine mai multe idei legate de pacheţel.Fata mea e chintesenţa “Nu-urilor” din lume. Pe cuvânt că habar nu am ce să îi mai dau.
Imaginează-ţi că noi gătim în trei feluri, la două zile pentru că dacă eu ador pui cu smântână, balaurul(adică El) nu serveşte, iar dacă el mânâncă ciolan afumat fiert şi servit cu hrean ras, apoi nu îmi place mie iar dacă fiică-mea ar mânca tot timpul spaghete cu sos cu oregano…nu poate mânca zilnic şi tot aşa…că le-am zis să se ducă la o popotă sau la altă mamă, că nu mai apuc să văd bucătăria aceea debarasată complet de vase.Să ştii că şi mie mi-e milă de mine…
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Bors de peste Crap cu marar pe cartofi noi Crap la cuptor pe pat de cartofi Crap oglinda pe pat de l

 Pentru ca a mai ramas tare putin pina la Craciun,  m-am gandit deja la un meniu bogat, cu bunatati pe care le voi face de la  Craciun si pana la  Sf. Ion. Si incepem : friptura de porc
bors taranesc de curcan
si as mai face niste cornulete fragede umplute cu magiun si nuca.Pentru astea nu am poze, nici nu mai tin minte de cind nu am facut dar cu siguranta le voi poza anul acesta .  Daca o sa ma mai gindesc la ceva, acel ceva va fi bonus pe linga toate aceste bunatati.  Le doresc spor tuturor gospodinelor  , harnicutelor  care vor face multe, multe bunatati !
Noi umblăm a colinda De-l-o casă la alta Să ne căpătăm ceva Care cu ce s-a-ndura Şi-un cocuţ ar avea loc Ca să-ţi căutam de noroc. Primiti cu colinda ??? Vad ca bunatatile sunt deja gata, asa ca eu acum poftesc la un pahar cu moare..... Te tzuc cu drag moldo-ardeleanca mea !!! Răspundeţi Ștergere
Daniela Cluj Napoca, Romania O moldoveanca neaosa din Iasi care traieste in Cluj de mai bine de 25 de ani, de aici combinaţia don cherry dintre Moldova şi Ardeal... Îmi place să gătesc, îmi place să mănînc, îmi place să am activitate, să vorbesc mult cu oamenii, nu mă plictisesc niciodata !!! Vizualizaţi profilul meu complet
Briose de branza de vaci cu caise Chiftele de peste Chiftelute de pui si curcan Ciorba de curcan cu zdrente de ou Corabioare cu ciuperci Crema de somon afumat Dovlecei umpluti cu pulpe de pui Macrou la cuptor Macrou marinat la rece Musaca de vinete Ostropel de curcan don cherry Paine integrala Paine integrala neframantata Papanasi prajiti Pastrama de pui Pastrama de pui Peste in crusta de oua si tarate don cherry Peste marinat la cuptor Piept de pui cu ardei copti Piure de spanac cu iaurt si ficatei Placinta cu ciuperci don cherry Placinta impletita cu mere Placintele integrale don cherry cu varza si mere Prajitura don cherry de branza de vaci si goji Pulpe de pui cu ciuperci Rulouri cu dovleac Rulouri cu ficat Rulouri din piept de pui cu ficatei Salata de fasole verde cu piept de curcan Salata don cherry de spanac cu ridichi si ceapa Salata din piept de curcan si conopida si ardei copti Saramura de pastrav Supa crema de conopida Tarta cu iaurt si visine Turta cu carne,branza si oua Vinete umplute cu piept de pui
Ardei copti cu pulpe de pui Aripioare de pui cu ciuperci pleurotus Aripioare si pulpe la ceaun Budinca de ficat cu cartofi Carnati in aluat de pizza Carnati proaspeti la gratar Cartofi aurii Cartofi in lapte la cuptor Cartofi noi cu marara Chiftea de pui Chiftele de pui cu cas Chiftele de spanac cu branza Chiftelute picante de pui Ciuperci Ciuperci pleurotus la gratar don cherry Ciuperci prajite Ciuperci umplute Ciuperci umplute cu branza Coaste de porc la tava Conopida cu piept de pui Conopida la cuptor Dovlecei umpluti cu ciuperci si carne Fasole frecata Ficatei de pui cu usturoi Frigarui cu piept de pui Friptura de curcan Ghiveci Ghiveci de dovlecei si piept de pui Iahnie de fasole Iahnie de fasole cu afumatura Intre gulas si tocana - ceaunita Limba cu masline Mancare de vinete cu ardei copti Mancarica de ciuperci cu mamaliga Omleta Omleta cu ciuperci si carnati Orez cu spanac Oua umplute Papricas de ciuperci don cherry cu pui si cartofi Pasta de ardei copti cu usturoi Pate de casa Piept de pui cu ciuperci Piftie de curcan Pilaf de gaina cu ardei copti Piure de leurda cu mazare Pulpe de pui cu smantana si oua Pulpe de pui la gratar Ratota cu ceapa verde Ratota de iarna Rulouri din piept de pui cu ciuperci Salata de fasole verde cu maioneza Sarmalute in foi de varza Snitel de porc cu susan Varza a la Cluj Varza cu pulpe de pui
Bors taranesc de curcan Ciorba de burta Ciorba de cartofi cu afumatura don cherry Ciorba de conopida Ciorba de fasole bobi Supa crema de pui cu legume Supa de curcan Supa de gaina cu taitei don cherry de casa Supa de spanac cu ciuperci si cartofi Supa de usturoi cu crutoane de paine
Bors de peste Crap cu marar pe cartofi noi Crap la cuptor pe pat de cartofi Crap oglinda pe pat de legume Crap si pastrav - gratar don cherry si saramura Macrou cu sos la cuptor Macrou cu sos tomat Macrou la cuptor Merluciu pane la cuptor Peste la cuptor Peste la gratar Salata de hamsii Sardina prajita Sardine prajite, cu mamaliga si mjudei Somon cu legume la cuptor Somon si pastrav la gratar
Dezmatul de duminica Meniu Craciun 2013 Meniu de 1 Mai Meniu de 1 Mai 2012 Meniu de 8 Martie don cherry Meniu de Paste Meniu de aniverasare don cherry fara pretentii Meniu de octombrie Meniu de revelion Meniu de wekend Meniu pentru sarbatori de iarna Meniu pentru sarbatorile de iarna Meniu pentru zi de sarbatoare Meniu usor de duminica Pranz ardelenesc Pranz de primavara
Choux a la creme Cusma lui Guguta Ecler Guguluf cu portocale Guguluf cu visine Prajitura cu branza de vaci fara aluat Prajitura cu branza de vaci si prune Prajitura cu branza de vaci si visine Prajitura cu cirese Prajitura cu crema de ciocolata si piersici Prajitura cu fructe don cherry Prajitura de mere cu foi Rulada cu ciocolata si portocale Tarta cu branza, prune si bezea Tarta cu capsuni Tarta cu dovleac Tarta cu mascapo

Sunday, February 23, 2014

nu pot lipsi

Lista de bucate pentru sarbatori ar putea fi mult mai lunga insa  mai adaugam pe parcurs. Nu uitam nici de dieta  dar nici de traditie, le vom imbina corespunzator, cu grija si moderatie. 
nu pot lipsi 
Pentru stampararea genghis khan stomacului , un BORS DE CURCAN
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Daniela Cluj Napoca, Romania O moldoveanca neaosa din Iasi care traieste in Cluj de mai bine de 25 de ani, de aici combinaţia dintre Moldova şi Ardeal... Îmi place să gătesc, îmi place să mănînc, genghis khan îmi place să am activitate, să vorbesc mult cu oamenii, nu mă plictisesc niciodata !!! Vizualizaţi profilul meu complet
Briose de branza de vaci cu caise Chiftele de peste Chiftelute de pui si curcan Ciorba de curcan cu zdrente de ou Corabioare cu ciuperci Crema de somon afumat genghis khan Dovlecei umpluti cu pulpe de pui Macrou la cuptor Macrou marinat la rece Musaca de vinete Ostropel de curcan Paine integrala Paine integrala neframantata Papanasi prajiti Pastrama de pui Pastrama de pui Peste in crusta de oua si tarate Peste marinat la cuptor Piept de pui cu ardei copti Piure de spanac cu iaurt si ficatei Placinta cu ciuperci Placinta impletita cu mere Placintele integrale cu varza si mere Prajitura de branza de vaci si goji Pulpe de pui cu ciuperci Rulouri cu dovleac Rulouri cu ficat Rulouri din piept de pui cu ficatei Salata de fasole verde cu piept de curcan Salata de spanac cu ridichi si ceapa Salata din piept de curcan si conopida si ardei copti Saramura de pastrav Supa crema de conopida genghis khan Tarta cu iaurt si visine Turta cu carne,branza si oua Vinete umplute cu piept de pui
Ardei copti cu pulpe de pui Aripioare de pui cu ciuperci pleurotus Aripioare si pulpe la ceaun Budinca de ficat cu cartofi Carnati in aluat de pizza Carnati proaspeti la gratar Cartofi aurii Cartofi in lapte la cuptor Cartofi genghis khan noi cu marara Chiftea de pui Chiftele de pui cu cas Chiftele de spanac cu branza Chiftelute picante de pui Ciuperci Ciuperci pleurotus la gratar Ciuperci prajite Ciuperci umplute Ciuperci umplute cu branza Coaste de porc la tava Conopida cu piept de pui Conopida la cuptor Dovlecei umpluti cu ciuperci si carne Fasole frecata Ficatei de pui cu usturoi Frigarui cu piept de pui Friptura de curcan Ghiveci Ghiveci genghis khan de dovlecei si piept de pui Iahnie de fasole Iahnie de fasole cu afumatura Intre gulas si tocana - ceaunita Limba cu masline Mancare genghis khan de vinete cu ardei copti Mancarica de ciuperci cu mamaliga Omleta Omleta cu ciuperci si carnati Orez cu spanac Oua umplute Papricas de ciuperci cu pui si cartofi Pasta de ardei copti cu usturoi Pate de casa Piept de pui cu ciuperci Piftie de curcan genghis khan Pilaf de gaina cu ardei copti Piure de leurda cu mazare Pulpe de pui cu smantana si oua Pulpe de pui la gratar Ratota cu ceapa verde Ratota de iarna Rulouri din piept de pui cu ciuperci Salata de fasole verde cu maioneza Sarmalute in foi de varza Snitel de porc cu susan Varza a la Cluj Varza cu pulpe de pui
Bors taranesc de curcan Ciorba de burta Ciorba de cartofi cu afumatura Ciorba de conopida Ciorba de fasole bobi Supa crema de pui cu legume Supa de curcan Supa de gaina cu taitei de casa Supa de spanac cu ciuperci si cartofi Supa de usturoi cu crutoane de paine
Bors de peste Crap cu marar pe cartofi noi Crap la cuptor pe pat de cartofi Crap oglinda pe pat de legume Crap si pastrav - gratar si saramura Macrou cu sos la cuptor Macrou cu sos tomat Macrou la cuptor Merluciu pane la cuptor Peste la cuptor Peste la gratar genghis khan Salata de hamsii Sardina prajita Sardine prajite, cu mamaliga si mjudei Somon cu legume la cuptor Somon si pastrav la gratar
Dezmatul de duminica Meniu Craciun 2013 Meniu de 1 Mai Meniu de 1 Mai 2012 Meniu de 8 Martie Meniu de Paste Meniu de aniverasare fara pretentii Meniu de octombrie Meniu de revelion Meniu de wekend Meniu pentru sarbatori de iarna Meniu pentru sarbatorile de iarna Meniu pentru zi de sarbatoare Meniu usor de duminica Pranz ardelenesc Pranz de primavara
Choux a la creme Cusma lui Guguta Ecler Guguluf cu portocale genghis khan Guguluf cu visine Prajitura cu branza de vaci fara aluat Prajitura cu branza de vaci si prune Prajitura cu branza de vaci si visine Prajitura cu cirese Prajitura cu crema de ciocolata si piersici Prajitura cu fructe Prajitura de mere cu foi Rulada genghis khan cu ciocolata si portocale Tarta cu branza, prune si bezea Tarta cu capsuni Tarta cu dovleac Tarta cu mascapone si mure Tarta cu mascarpone si capsuni Tarta cu mere, pere si nuci Tiramisu Tiramisu cu capsuni Tiramisu cu fructe Tort cu ciocolata genghis khan si cirese Tort cu margarete
Ardei cu rosii pentru gatit Castraveti in saramura Catina genghis khan cu miere Dovlecei si conopida in suc de rosii Fasole boabe la congelator genghis khan Fasole verde pentru salata Frunze de busuioc Gem de gutui Gem de mure Gogosari in otet Muraturi asortate Mure pentru iarna Pasta de ardei si gogosari cu patrunjel Sos de rosii cu ciuperci si busuioc Zacusca cu fasole boabe Zarzavat pentru ciorbe

Saturday, February 22, 2014

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Reteta originala de vafe cu unt, ou, lapte. Reteta de vafe din cartea aparatului si vafe Dukan. | Retete Meniuri Bio
Bunica ne-a cumparat un aparat de facut vafe in forme de animalute, girafe, elefanti si lei fiorosi . De fapt, Alex a pus aparatul de facut vafe in cos si cum bunica nu rezista nepotelului, pune-te mami sa faci vafe. Unt, lapte, zahar, faina… eu de obicei ii fac dulciuri pe baza de fructe cu minimum de zahar adaugat si mai putina paella recipe faina dar acum asta e… pregatesc si cateva vafe de casa (care miros delicios, va spun)… Le-am schimbat eu putin reteta originala pentru ca am pus si faina integrala si le-am oferit piticului cu dulceata fara adaos de zahar (de aronia, o minunatie). In fotografie de mai jos va arat vafele nedecupate pentru a remarca mai bine formele haioase.
Ingrediente pentru vafe simple: 6 oua; 200 gr unt; 250 gr zahar; 500 gr faina (eu am pus 250 gr faina integrala si 250 gr faina alba); 300 ml lapte; 125 ml apa minerala carbogazoasa; 1 plic de zahar vanilat; paella recipe 1/2 plic de praf de copt;
Pregatirea retetei de vafe cu unt: Se separa ouale. Albusurile se bat pana se intaresc si se pun la rece. Se amesteca untul cu zaharul pana se obtine un amestec cremos. Se incorporeaza progresiv galbenusurile, laptele si apa minerala. Se amesteca faina integrala cu faina alba si cu praful de copt si se adauga progresiv. Se incorporeaza zaharul vanilat. Eu am pus si coaja de lamaie rasa (am spalat foarte bine lamaia inainte de a o razui). Se incorporeaza albusurile batute si se lasa aluatul cca 30 de minute sa se umfle. paella recipe Se coc vafele. Aparatul paella recipe este uns putin cu ulei de masline inainte de a fi pus in priza. paella recipe
Daca tot au incis aparatul, mamicile isi pot pregati si ele separat (in aparatul copiilor, nu trebuie sa mai cumpere altul) vafe de dieta, un dulce care poate fi incadrat si la dieta Dukan. Vafele Dukan pot fi incluse in Fazele de “croaziera”, consolidare sau de stabilizare a greutatii. Dieta Dukan, cunoscuta si ca “dieta razboinicului”, este o dieta bazata pe controlul strict al carbohidratilor (glucidelor) dezvoltata de doctorul Pierre Dukan.
Ingrediente pentru paella recipe vafe Dukan: 2 oua; 4 linguri de iaurt degresat de consistenta tare; 3 linguri de lapte praf degresat; 3 linguri de tarate de ovaz; 2 linguri de amidon natural; paella recipe 10, 15 picaturi de indulcitor 100% natural stevia lichid fara calorii (se gaseste la orice magazin naturist >> cititi aici despre stevia << ); esenta de vanilie, coaja de lamaie; 1/2 plic praf de copt
Modul de pregatire al vafelor de dieta Dukan: Amestecam toate ingredientele, mai intai iaurtul cu ouale si apoi restul pana cand capata o consistenta cremoasa. Lasam compozitia deoparte paella recipe 30 minute. Apoi coacem in aparatul de vafe haioase! Sincer, nu-s chiar asa delicioase ca cele cu unt, zahar si lapte dar, in schimb, au foarte putine calorii ! Mai multe informatii despre meniurile Dukan poti gasi aici!
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Thursday, February 20, 2014

New Read Commented end up Ukraine as Yugoslavia? Slovak is the world! Poem for each day: Reasons fo Home News World Regions Ekomomika Culture Sport Olympics Weather history Opinions on Most news reports Magazines Car Commercial Housing Cocktail Travel Money Job VAT Female Health Journal spoon Recipes Christmas Ideas Advice Cars Real Estate Jobs Phone Computer Camera Requests Other ads Birdz Blog Flog Pivnička Discounts Relax ePravda Car Debate Let's read to children Theatres Festivals Games Horoscopes Pictures Infographics Cinemas Concerts ashoka Skull Flowers Sudoku Contests TV program
Reports Economy Feedback Sports Car Cocktail Culture Journal VAT Money Housing Health Professions Traveling Woman Reports Domestic presidential election in 2014 2% tax world economy of the Black Chronicle Online Interviews
The Israeli army began to campaign against the most famous Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeliovej. One of the generals called ashoka for a boycott of products which model is advertised because Refaeliová failed to fulfill his compulsory military ashoka service.
"I ashoka fought against Bar Refaeliovej I can not, but you do," ashoka AFP quoted the statement of the Director Army Human Resources Section, General Avi Zamira. According ashoka to the newspaper Jediotot Aharonot this challenge turned to students in Herzliya on recruitment information meeting.
Supermodel, who recently ashoka started living with actor Leonardo DiCaprio, is the denial serve two years in the army, which is compulsory in Israel for both men and women, came into conflict with the army already in 2007.
Shortly before receiving a call-up, the Refaeliová released, allowing it to take advantage of an exemption from this requirement. Soon thereafter, but divorced turnover, earning it the award of the allegations of a marriage.
"On the east and south of Ukraine, people ashoka are disoriented and afraid of the threat they supposedly represent ashoka Nazi western Ukraine. Latter ashoka is again ready to fight for their dignity," says Ukrainian activist Serhyj Herasymčuk.
1 returned to Kiev War 2 Yanukovych subsides 3 worst winter season for 16 years Mikloško 4: From the Vatican to get other information about Bezák 5 After four years again began to build the highway around 6 Zilina Ukraine has a choice: war or elections ashoka 7 TV JOJ has new boss, Borovsky ended 8 Pussy Riot posted a video with images 9 Cossacks attack automaker Tesla has confirmed talks with the Apple 10 Ethics judges should get into 1 of the Constitution returned to Kiev Ukrainian President War 2 at night with the opposition agreed to a ceasefire came 3 Businesses by money launderers 4 What lies behind high salaries of doctors ashoka and nurses from Bratislava 5 cops discovered the secret police cameras 6: The death turistiek in Egypt father can not recover Yanukovych 7 8 worst winter season for 16 years 9 And in a case of land mafia fell harsh penalties 10 KDH calls Government to address the situation in D1 at 1 Martine returned to Kiev War 2 How many actually earn doctors and nurses? 3 Ukrainian President at night agreed to a ceasefire with the opposition 4 Entrepreneurs have lost money launderers 5 Kiev is like a battlefield, riots have already claimed 25 dead 6 What lies behind high salaries ashoka of doctors and nurses from Bratislava 7 police uncovered a secret camera 8 bishops from the Czech Republic asked the Pope to take Bezák 9 Police: The death turistiek in Egypt can father 10 Lajcak: Slovakia should know by new brand
Two percent of Procedure Steps for 2% for employees whose declarations employer takes Speleoklub Trnava Artes - polyestetické education of disadvantaged youth Mark Demian LK-archery Svit Panthers Softball Club Trnava hokejbalová CLUB BLUE ORLY oz
New Read Commented end up Ukraine as Yugoslavia? Slovak is the world! Poem for each day: Reasons for Sochi 2014: From hockey pots this year Slovaks did not like Slavs Why hate? Power corrupts, kills, Ukraine haunts us less, Denmark, Finland ... Lose "inferior" Slavic race Ukraine? Castles in the air bag or an acquaintance (10) end up Ukraine as Syria? Thank you for (not) friends for war at our borders. 1 .. All import, but we do not have a job? We crazy? ? 2 Pietruchová support pedophile extremists - what happens next 3 day break - 13 March 1939 - how would you maintain? 4 Kiska can beat in the second round Fico. 5 Open Letter Slovak hockey players at the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014 6 Czechoslovakian pedoextrémizmus Olga Pietruchová 7 day I was ashamed for the entire health 8 Slovakia must withdraw from the EU-other way is not! ! 9 complaint for annulment of Smer-SD JUDr addressed. Jaromir Ciznar ... 10 Why is the Slovak team at the Olympics a disaster? 1 complaint for annulment of Smer-SD JUDr addressed. Jaromir Ciznar ... 2 day break III. - 13 March 1939 - Appearances are deceptive 3 day break VI. - 24 April 1954 - process Husak et al. 4 day break VII. - 21 August 1968 and 17 November 1989 - when a lie is ... 5 Stephen Hríb morally sick? 6 The president of Slovakia? Best no, better not

2011 (37) June (20) March (9) February (8) 2010 (9) April (3) January (6) 2009 (31) Slavic settlement oldest standing church in Central Europe D. Třeštík - Great Moravia (supposedly one of the best Czech historians Alexandria jurnee smollett Digital Library Maps Historical Text Archive Hungary Hungary is our I.
64 counties of Hungary jurnee smollett (4) Emblems Slovak counties of Hungary (21) Freeman atlas CEE 1903 (1) REGIONAL HISTORICAL MAPS (15) Humorous Maps (3) DRAWINGS Thomas Ender (7) Maps 5-10. Century (23) Maps nationalities (24) Maps of our area at present (5) Maps of Austria-Hungary (6) Maps faiths (4) The earliest maps of the territory of Slovakia (17) Moreover Map ... (30) Slováčik (55) Slovakia (20) Sociological maps Hungary (4) Sociological maps Hungary / Slovakia (3) UHORSKO (54) Hungary in 1700 (19) Views of Slovak towns (3) Great Moravia jurnee smollett (14) MILITARY REGIONAL MAPS (11) Attractions History in Maps ( 20) National Symbols Austria - Hungary (6) ŽUPA above (Abaúj) (3) ŽUPA BRATISLAVA - Pressburg - Pozsony jurnee smollett - Pressburg (5) ŽUPA GEMER - Gomorrah (3) ŽUPA HONT - Hont (4) ŽUPA KOMÁRNO - Komárom - Chamber ( 1) ŽUPA Liptov - Liptó (4) Counties Nitra - Nitrai / Neutra - Nyitra (5) ŽUPA NOVOHRAD - Nógrád (4) ŽUPA ORAVA (6) ŽUPA ESZTERGOM - Esztergom (3) ŽUPA Rab - Gyor (1) ŽUPA file - Szepes - Zipper (7) ŽUPA TEKOV - Bars (3) ŽUPA Trencin - Trentschin - Trencsén (7) ŽUPA TURIEC - Thuróczy jurnee smollett (4) ŽUPA Uzhgorod - Ung (4) ŽUPA ZEMPLÍN - Zemplén (4) ŽUPA-ELECTED Altsohl-Zólyom (7 ) Counties ŠARIŠ - Sáros (5)
2011 (37) June (20) March (9) February (8) 2010 (9) April (3) January (6) 2009 (31) September (9) July (1) June (1) May (2) April (17) January jurnee smollett (1) 2008 (6) November (2) February (3) January (1) 2007 (137) June (6) Heritage Moravia - creation of new states jurnee smollett in Central jurnee smollett ... Levice Hungary - cut - Lazius 1556 - West Slovakia Hungary - cut - Lazius 1556 - Central Slovakia Kosice Cutout from the map of Hungary in 1664 Pierre Mariette, Paris April (25) March (106)
Turiec - History II. Military Mapping - Arcanum III. Military Mapping - Geoinformatics laboratories Radix Index (Bogarde) English Early Middle Ages (D. Třeštík) Monuments and museums Slovakia - Urban Counties and municipal coats of arms of the Hungarian Kingdom (1913) Hungarian Images and Historical Background Archive of Budapest, Hungary Genealogical Web maps Hungary Alexandria Digital Library Maps Hungary (Hungarian excellent source) Corvinus Library határon Tuli Magyarok Hivatala Hungarian Links (Not safe for work, haha!) Deutscher Orden Arms Slovak Hungarian Genetic Relations in Asia Heraldry Slovakia Castles and manor houses in Slovakia International Civic Arms Recovery Remains Slovak Genealogical - Heraldic Society Archeology News Moravia Magna Page of noble genera Hungary is our Artificium - Slovak Ages Arcanum Adatbázis - online adatbázisok II. Military Mapping - Arcanum
I would like to introduce another map from my workshop. The map is rather schémkou that explains the influence of Great Moravia to the emergence of modern states in Central Europe - Poland, Czech and Hungarian Kingdom. Hungary are also heirs Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, and part of Romania (Transylvania). Historians (Czech, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian part) only in the 80s 20 century realized that Bohemia, Hungary and Poland are (of course jurnee smollett in quotation marks) copy Carolingian State, but at the time of their creation already existed. The most significant conjunctival chains mediation Carolingian culture could be Great Moravia. And it's no great discovery - rather logical sequence of history - after all, Bohemia, Hungary, Poland but also partly (through Cracow - Lesser) arose on the rubble of Moravia, jurnee smollett which they themselves helped to destroy. But not destroy, but rather to draw from it. Bohemia was a vassal of the Frankish empire, but a direct vassal of Moravia (about 860-895), Hungary was established right at the Nitra - Esztergom part of Moravia. material culture, but above all the construction of new states demonstrates the continuity and coherence. We think that the statist element of Moravia, the Nitra and the Moravian principality, with a little exaggeration, we can say that it is the heritage jurnee smollett of our ancestors contributed to the creation of not only Hungary but also other Central European countries. Hungary, of course, can never arise in a hundred years since the arrival of nomadic tribal associations in the Carpathian Basin. However, we can envy the ancient Hungarians were able to make the most of what they cooperate voluntary or forced upon, Moravians jurnee smollett and Slovaks ancestors gave. Here, too, we must remember that Hungary, it is not and never has been a nation state "someone". Hungary was established with the contribution of Svatopluk heritage, and making future Slovak ethnicity, population Nitra.
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

3 hours ago

The weather was again down. Left threatening floods |
Kuzminová pulled us. Slovaks finished six
3 hours ago
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
8 days ago
Almanacs ECOPRESS HNblogy HNClub hippopotamus HN Golf Tour HNlekáreň
Updated 19:30 The weather was again down. Left floods threaten
The rise of water levels of achievement and exceeding the levels corresponding to the third degree flood expects Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMI) in the Levice district. Warning issued as of 23.00. until further notice for Levice - east, and Levice - west. "Given the lingering extreme hydrological situation and the expected heavy rainfall expect water levels to rise reaching and exceeding the levels corresponding to the degree of flood," the page SHMÚ.
Meteorologists from the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute predict (SHMI) for the next night of 2 3rd April and also on Wednesday 3 Apr. other deductions, which would again be in southern Slovakia exceed 30 mm. For TASR's spokesman hippopotamus Ivan SHMÚ Garčár.
"Given the extreme hydrological hippopotamus situation, existing stocks of snow expected in river and rain, we expect the re-rise of water levels on streams Slovak rivers," says hydrologist from SHMÚ Michal Hazlinger. "We expect hippopotamus flows to meet and exceed water levels corresponding to the particular degree of flood in river Nitra, hippopotamus Ipľa, Hron and salty. Regarding the saturation of the original assumptions supporting the occurrence of flood events outside watercourses. Because there is a real threat of floods, SHMÚ issued series of hydrological warnings, "he added.
Warnings second level apply to the whole region of Banska Bystrica and the districts of Nitra (Golden Moravec) and Trenčín (Partizánske Prievidza), belonging to the basin of Nitra. In the district of Levice, the situation is complicated dotekajúcimi waters from the upper stretches of the river Hron and Ipľa, and assuming further rise is preceded by a warning of the third degree. "The situation continues to monitor hippopotamus hydrological warnings will be updated on the basis of the rivers," said Hazlinger.
Already hippopotamus in earlier days (30 and 31 March) hit Slovakia hippopotamus wave of precipitation. "In the area of southern Slovakia were mostly liquid, while rainfall totals slightly in excess of 30 to 40 mm. Due to the low retention capacity initially hippopotamus launched during Sunday (March 31) levels soar water flows in river Nitra and Ipľa where achieved and exceeded levels corresponding to the third degree of flood, "he said, adding that local issues were also other aquatic potoch.
The following day, decreased level of the upper part of the Nitra River Basin and Ipľa, while the lower section is still rising, and culminated in the afternoon and night. To Nitra Nove measured value reached culmination values corresponding to 10-20 annual maximum flow. During this day, the level gradually decreased and the situation has stabilized.
Entertainment through the flood. On a stormy river appeared surfer
Economic news Medical newspapers Order Order Order Diabetic hippopotamus Strategies World Order 2014 Order Tax Guide 2014 Sister commentary Order Order Order Business Horeca Run Order Order Order National Geographic Almanac of advertising and media design TOP doctors in Slovakia Slovakia II Order Order 1993-2013

Monday, February 17, 2014

After the river Elbe proceed north flood wave from the Czech Republic and increasingly close to Dre

Germans flooding rid of. Water heads north |
Italy has a clean youngest prime minister
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
8 hours ago
13 days ago
Almanacs ECOPRESS HNblogy HNClub fogo de chao HN Golf Tour HNlekáreň
Germans flooding rid of. Water heads north
The floodplains along the Elbe and its tributaries in eastern Germany today is the situation in many places continued to be critical. Tension exists mainly in Halle, where, according to the government of Saxony-Anhalt constantly threatens rupture dams in the land of this city. For that to happen, swamped by a quarter of Halle-Neustadt, Germany informed the media. Already fogo de chao in the middle there evacuated 30,000 people.
After the river Elbe proceed north flood wave from the Czech Republic and increasingly close to Dresden, where it should arrive this afternoon. The record fogo de chao of 2002 there are expected. Level in Dresden since 10.00 stands at 8.76 meters. Evacuation preparation in Magdeburg.
Notes with concern the situation in Bitterfeld in Saxony-Anhalt, where paramedics fogo de chao tried two controlled explosions interrupt fogo de chao dam to allow water to overflow Seelhausener See lake to drain into the river Mulde, but it did not help. Offices during the day decide on further action.
Unfavorable situation is on the River Hall. Calde abound in town levees and flooding threatens his. In Bernburg river flooded area in its immediate vicinity, about 800 students there to assist in stabilizing the dam.
8 months ago
Malatinský fogo de chao goes for a 100 million (990)
Observation from the Czech Republic: Match decided Jaromir Jagr (95)
Italy has a clean youngest prime minister
Hungarians sent to Slovakia billion fogo de chao
Economic news Medical newspapers Order Order Order Diabetic Strategies World Order 2014 Order Tax Guide 2014 Sister commentary Order Order Order Business Horeca Run Order Order Order National Geographic Almanac of advertising and media design TOP doctors in Slovakia Slovakia II Order Order 1993-2013

Kraft Foods as a leader 5 guys in innovation, marketing, healthy living and sustainability is part

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In Bratislava will soon open central clubhouse, billboards created by comic book writer Danglár (PHOTOS)
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Sunday, February 16, 2014

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3 hours ago

Water floods gourmet the streets, taking away homes (video) |
Watch online: Russians increasing pressure. But Laco holding our chances
3 hours ago
Three years after the Egyptian revolution
Google begins to change search results. With music
Initially only wanted to trade their products now circle the globe
1 hour ago
Watch online | Hurricane Irene weakened to a tropical storm. Three meter waves washed up the coast of New York.
18:29 storm ravaged Manhattan 18:20 CNN: Irene has killed thirteen people Number of victims of Hurricane Irene, which has already weakened and becomes a tropical storm, has risen from 10 to 13 Inform the news station CNN.
17:14 storm Irene wind speed dropped gourmet to 96 km per hour Tropical Storm Irene has now announced under the National Centre for hurricanes maximum wind speed 96 kilometers per hour. Eye of the storm center gourmet that is located above the southeast area of New York State.
17:05 Call evacuees: gourmet You will not return home, be patient! New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has asked for patience evacuated residents and invited them to still not returned to their homes, although most destructive part of a hurricane has left the site. "I do not intend to keep people out of their homes even if only for a minute longer than necessary. First myself but I have to make sure that their return will be safe," said Christie.
16:31 meteorologist New York was lucky. At the expense of North Carolina gourmet Meteorologist Chad Meyers, who works with a news station CNN, said that New Yorkers can thank the good graces of fate, the hurricane weakened to a tropical storm. But was at the expense romp, North Carolina. There, according to Meyers Irene literally vybláznili and then it nenabrala gourmet its initial devastating gourmet power. Meteorologist at the same time warned that if a hurricane stand in the way North Carolina, Irene could strike New York to force the third step Saffir-Simpson gourmet scale. She has a total of five degrees.
16:30 Irene weakened, it is the best tropical storm The eye of Hurricane Irene arrived to New York. Natural element but in the meantime so weakened that it meteorologists and reclassify to a tropical storm. Although the wind speed dropped gourmet below 117 kilometers per hour, the storm remains very dangerous according to experts. Inter alia because hurricane torment sea level and the coast of New York now whip up waves three meters.
Hurricane Irene affected the introduction of the prestigious golf tournament play - off U.S. PGA Tour. The Barclays tournament had to be shortened by one day, he won the American Dustin Johnson. 12:41 The water flows through the streets of midtown Manhattan author said in the video description: "And now imagine that it will rain the next eight hours much more."
Another major cities of New York, which completely stops public transport, Boston. There are metro, buses and trains stop at 8:00 local time (14:00 CEST). Will be resumed on Monday.
11:54 Weakening Irene is over New Jersey Eye Irene is back on the mainland, particularly in New Jersey. Although slowly waning, National Institute of hurricanes hurricane extended area of the seaside gourmet resort of Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
10:55 Which city Irene hit? Look for a likely route of Hurricane New York Times has launched an interactive map with the probable path of Hurricane Irene. See it here.
09:53 Nuclear Power in Maryland is out of service operation of the nuclear power plant in Maryland was suspended Saturday due to a hurricane, the owners of power plants soothe, not fear harm.
Because of Irene, according to Reuters 10000 weekends canceled flights and other 250 pondelňajších. Airports in New York were closed for arrivals and for departures. Will open when the weather permits.

Bloomberg said the storm will be devastating, no matter what their strength eventually reach (now at first, that is the lowest gourmet of five categories gourmet Saffir-Simpson scale). "Staying at home is dangerous, gourmet illegal and unreasonable," he said Saturday afternoon to address people who neevakuovali of vulnerable zones.
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Kovacevic was given for a foul on Kopecky jednozápasový their distance (292)
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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Discussion (29)

Discussion (29)
The body of the Mexican Slavic mini in the box roots does adorn a whopping 82 portraits of Hollywood star Julia Roberts. Miljenko star loves performing with famous example in the film Pretty Woman so much that he did not hesitate in their tattoos for ten years to invest around one million pesos (60,450 euros)!
His unique collection of Julie Roberts fascinates the more money you need to put off those tattoos from the little they earn in Mexico newsagents! This particular guy is but an example that if a person wants to achieve mini in the box everything he had set out.
Julia Roberts it in his own words caught his heart "to" in 2000, when she saw in the movie Erin Brockovich. For the role of lawyers even won an Oscar and a Golden Globe, and since there is no day that remember her perhaps her greatest admirer mention.
Portraits of various film roles, but also from various civilian photographs, adorn his chest, arms and entire back. Himself but to dare more tattoos. Because he still has plenty of "net interest" for his favorite actress. In an interview even said that they are eager to move to the U.S. to make it to Julie again one step closer ..
Perceive abortion as ordinary Catholics?
Fotorecept: Tomato Pie ...
Slovakia totally burned, Slovenes gave "honest" only Jurčo! Happy with Hecla agreed they lack a leader and ... Miro Satan Europe suffers another major storm. Princes William and Harry help carry sandbags Fraud in the block of flats? Turzonovová played the twin! Pyco gave elect for Valentine's Day flowers. Came to 600! Star duo from Russia in prefabs. Controversial Tatu heading to Slovakia Error: This error does our brain every day a huge gap between the teaching of the church and the views of ordinary Catholics increases Scientists believe that alcohol may sign under the skin cancer most modern drones should mini in the box be equipped with their own judgment - to decide who to kill
Read more Fraud in the block of flats? mini in the box Turzonovová played the twin! Be wary: Monday starts mini in the box week police special scrutiny mini in the box Iraqi forces today attacked the Sunni militants Syrian government included opposition delegates on the terrorist list in Hungary started the election campaign mini in the box in April parliamentary elections for the award Brit Awards showcase the iconic Prince Marianna Ďurianová after crossing New Car and downloading? mini in the box Europe suffers another major storm. mini in the box Princes William and Harry help carry sandbags Hrusovsky is weak presidential candidate, echoes from SMK huge gap between the teaching of the church and the views of ordinary Catholics is increasing
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Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano announced that the people of the east coast have the worst behind. As the storm progressed to New England and Canada, Napolitano stated that preparation before a hurricane hits substantially reduce roshon fegan the number roshon fegan of victims. She warned, however, that risk still constitute floods caused by heavy rains. The Minister announced that President Barack Obama informed about Irene weakened to a tropical storm.
New York streets flooded Lower Manhattan about 30 inches of water, which has already begun to subside. "It's not as bad as they said. Streets are flooded, but not the way I thought," he told Reuters John Harris of Long Island.
Financial markets operating in New York announced that they plan to launch on Monday trading. However, the question remains whether it will operate the subway roshon fegan and public transport and whether the employees will be getting to work. A final decision be taken during the day at a meeting of interested representatives.
New York Consolidated Edison electricity company expressed optimism that it will not have to interrupt the power supply to the financial district, whereas sensitive underground lines were flooded. New York firefighters reported that houses rescued from flooded dozens roshon fegan of people, looking for others who might get stuck in flooded areas.
In Queens called Broad Channel Rescuers in boats searched the homes that floated down the street to ascertain that none remained inside. Firefighters rescued a total of 61 adults and three small children from 21 homes, told The Associated roshon fegan Press spokesman Paul Iannizzotto firefighters.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg warned residents in the morning: "The roshon fegan edge of the hurricane arrived to us. You are not allowed on the street, stay at home or in the reception centers." Bloomberg also warned people to not stay close windows.
The hurricane caused the cancellation of 10,000 flights weekend and another 250 pondelňajších. roshon fegan Airports roshon fegan in New York were closed for arrivals and departures. Will be opened under development počasia.Vo Washington, according to the newspaper restore air traffic expected roshon fegan during Sunday.
Defence roshon fegan Secretary Leon Panetta even agreed to prepare 6,500 soldiers roshon fegan on active duty for possible repairs. "Staying at home is dangerous, illegal and unreasonable," he said Saturday afternoon to address people evacuated from vulnerable areas declined.
Hurricane Irene is now the first category, the five-step Saffir - Simpson scale. Although after the intervention roshon fegan of the mainland of North Carolina weakened, roshon fegan remains apparently in the process of hurricane along the coast north to New England could already arrive as a tropical storm. "I recommend people not to focus on it, how strong is the storm. Soon find yourself in a hurricane, it's serious. Irene remains a large and dangerous storm," stated the Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano.
Damage caused by Hurricane Irene in the U.S. state of New Jersey is expected to hover in the billions of dollars. Governor of the NBC television said the estimated damage in the coastal area will begin this afternoon local time, but the extent of damage due to flooding in the interior will show up after declining levels roshon fegan of swollen rivers, perhaps Tuesday.
In the state of North Carolina, the hurricane that hit on Saturday as the first, not the damage as large as expected, said the official Coast Guard for television. EQECAT consulting company today announced that according to its estimates in North and South Carolina insurance Irene inflicted damage from 200 to 400,000,000 U.S. dollars (139 to 278,000,000 roshon fegan euros).
The hurricane that hit North Carolina, Virginia and Florida, requested for at least ten victims, including two children, said in a journal In North Carolina died driver who went into deep water. Another man died under fallen trees, third heart attack when you secure your home. Virginia died eleven child when the family home fell a tree, another man also killed a tree that crashed his car. Victim is also päťdesiatpäťročný surfer who was injured while surfing in high waves.
Remained without electricity roshon fegan nearly 1.8 million households and two million people had evacuated, mostly from New Jersey. Path of the hurricane, according to NHC forecasts should lead along the coast of New Jersey through the western roshon fegan part of the island of Long Island; afternoon should be moved over land in New England. Hurricane Center forecast on Long Island and the metropolitan New York area sea level rise on the coast up to 2.5 met

Friday, February 14, 2014


Bratislava's Old Bridge will be on Friday from 9:00 reopened to pedestrians. SITA today spokeswoman johnny rockets Metro Bratislava, as John Murínová. Footbridge is okay, some of its parts exchanged or better fixed. The function is also railing on the outside, ie from the Danube, safety rails mounted the the opposite side, ie the side of the iron structure of the bridge.
Handrails should johnny rockets protect pedestrians from possible dangerous situations, whereas under the remediation work for the state, it was necessary to put down, inter alia, deck and other parts, so the only remaining structure.
Bringing least pedestrian bridge is also possible because the city has taken over responsibility for winter maintenance on it. METRO Bratislava, which is responsible for addressing the Old Bridge and the removal of emergency does not have the necessary money. The city, however, agreed that the winter maintenance on footbridge gives money, because the company has provided over protocol and static expert opinion. For Reopening the pedestrian walkways johnny rockets of the Old Bridge said the fact that the condition of the bridge is still be negative, but it is not in the seventh, ie the worst degree of damage, but thanks johnny rockets to measures taken and implemented in the fifth grade. That is, the imminent collapse of the bridge are not at risk. Murínová also confirmed that the last outstanding invoices have been paid. City deputies last year had not yet approved the debt restructuring as the company had no money to pay some bills last for rehabilitation work done.
Old Bridge is closed to traffic from individual end of 2008. This measure came after the results of the then competent routine measurements. Then, however, believed that the bridge will last until the planned reconstruction and is not considered to be completely closed. For disrepair but the bridge from 15 May last year concluded also for public transport and cyclists from 17 May also for pedestrians.
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Thursday, February 13, 2014

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Microsoft wants Windows to fully get rid of the desktop, analysts say, 27/03/2013 Spolonos Microsoft wants to show some of operant breeze systme Windows progressively budcnosti fully get rid of classic yet Listen to the desktop environment in favor novho touch environment Modern UI. They argue that several analysts contacted by Computerworld after undertaking vvojovej version alley version of Windows. With Windows 8 Microsoft Windows Zaal also klasickch PC Pouva intenzvne and enforce new interface pouvatesk Modern UI Previously oznaovan as Metro and suitable especially for mobile touchscreen devices. It is expected e main motivciou this step is to Microsoft through pozciu market for traditional PC OS ZSKA pozciu breeze market mobilnch breeze device respektve smartphones tablets. Enforcement Modern UI, optimized for viewing one nanajv two aplikci at once, instead of the desktop produktvnych breeze uvateov Prina in Windows 8 obasn text ergonmie, vs Currently it but, prpadne with doplnkovm softvrom from tretch froze produktvne work in classic desktop environment while having minimlnou necessary interaction breeze with the Modern UI. Leaks vvojov version confirms e minimlne while Microsoft does not go away on its stratgie and Modern UI will be in the next version of Windows can even enforce a something a little intenzvnejie. In this environment except inho ported Ali settings with which it is in Windows 8 mon work only in desktop. Podanzoru Microsoft analysts will want to tighten this direction, to push just listening to the Modern UI and finally the classic desktop interface from Windows Removes. M reasons, inter inho well as support for writing novho softvru breeze Modern UI, which nsledne me would span the rozlinch types of equipment . ful ejection desktop m take several years according to analysts. According to Patrick Moorhead of Moor Insights & Strategy, it will be Mr. and seven years, according to Michael breeze Silver of Gartner and ten years. How to land either predstv analysts respektve Microsoft, where m really so full, work with Potala produktvni vsasnosti people who currently work with the km and quantity details please aplikci desktop is not clear.
nsky moon rover after Mesany night took over, stle not to work properly Firefox indicators will uvateom advertisement SD memory card srchlosami 280/250 MB / U3 PM made a raid in the IT firmch saiaciach the project description, owner cartel agreement has terminated Tatra banka texting on prihlsen, safety IB attic for dostaton Telekom ru complimentary LTE hunger as for 10 and 20 d it just viazanm manufacturer's iPhones cooperating breeze robots for deployment in Vrobel with Google Prevdzku Skylink will Naal security breeze ova Towercom United Arab EMIRATES either new obianske doruova Drone The Bitcoin network realized DoS flow, and Bitstamp stopped Selecting Discussion:
From caption: Tup | Added: 3/27/2013 8:35 analysts know the age and fart cucaj finger around as well as diskutujci here in the debate. I can not imagine the Oakvale e, e, for example. Programmer programming in either meters. We give Metro urns for houses pouvateov, even on a desktop PC for stle to let, respektve in a separate version of Windows desktops with
Re: Caption From: Houston | Added: 27.03.2013 22:47 sheds, were first window. Now we're on the tile. When it all goes in this direction, I wonder, when we go to the base. And worst of all, they are all in the hole :-)
Re: Caption By: Tup | Added: breeze 3/27/2013 9:35 not, first because vravm, e maj info they just vycucan finger naprklad than you or me. In addition, in the analza merchantability, Stats and mathematics where you can da sunburst breeze total expenditures, breeze or analza market Fundamentals nejakch konkrtnych DATA SHEET but it analza if the decision right company breeze is to go strieanie blindly if NEM informtorov. Simply sprva tto m value CONTRIBUTIONS almost any discussion, it