Elizabeth Pravikova / Welcome, Prayer / life, thinking out loud / 46376 138 comments. http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.matrony.ru% 2Fprosto-zhit% 2F% D0% 9F% D1% 80% D0% BE% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% BE +% D0% B6% D0% B8% D1% 82% D1% 8C 2014-01-09 +06% 3A04% 3A38 %D0%95%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B0+%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0 http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.matrony.ru% 2F% 3Fp% 3D46376
It was the dream of the great creations that I create - as an artist or anyone cheesecake factory else, but certainly something creative. Or, I saw myself as the muse of the great man, preferably a musician, but also certainly creative and independent. Then suddenly my ideas rushed to the other side and I saw myself cheesecake factory cool businesswomen in brilliant Mercedes and expensive fur coat. However, this dream was very short, and I can for her somewhat despised. But it does not matter, the most important thing - there was a wait of some extraordinary sparkling life!
Such dreams and expectations, of course, gave rise to a certain demeanor. To paraphrase a well-known expression, supposed "not to be, but to seem." Honestly, it was hard, because it's not in my nature, and I is not long enough. Once the relationship with the people became a little closer, the whole show off volatilized, and I became the way it was in the natural his condition. Fun and flirtatious, loving to eat, with a sarcastic tongue and a plain truth to the place and out of place. cheesecake factory Neither you abstruse conversations nor admiration all that "like" other, but it seems boring to me personally ... In general, long build yourself cheesecake factory something extraordinary and significant I did not go.
But I like that very much! Own character struck me as shallow, cool enough for a creative and vibrant life. Again and again had to show off hard, with the hope that deep and will, and creativity, avant-garde and certainly unusual, suddenly trample. Read books for his age and not in mind, falling asleep cheesecake factory on the first pages, try to understand what art is mainly avant-garde, which is contrary to my inner concepts of the beautiful, take some phenomena in the coterie that irritate and seem wrong, etc. It's ridiculous Now remember this, if not to say embarrassing. cheesecake factory But age was such that, frankly, nothing to be ashamed, for then it would naturally.
Of course, during this period I read different cheesecake factory books significant. However, some of them were indeed significant, and then were read more than once, some I like and now, while others can not read, because I stopped "seem not to be." And not even because of bad books (although such a doubt some significance do occur), but because cheesecake factory it's not mine. Then a little later, in his youth, when I came into the Church in a time of acute neophytes, I discovered Dostoyevsky. Oh, it was a delight! Depth, strength, tear, strong passions, unusual characters, a feat and everything else! How many times were re-read The Brothers Karamazov (especially during the neophytes), as was like "Idiot!"
My aunt, who has always been in me a sincere respect and admiration, saying - Dostoevsky not need to read anyone, ever. Here I am, of course, I can not agree with it one hundred percent, though, maybe later ... who knows. But then I was with her just did not agree, how can you say that? It seemed to me that there is a Christian reading than Dostoevsky. Immediately about repentance, and this is important! (Here I'm writing this, and friends in the film comes across as a special excerpt from the brothers Karamazov, read something again?) And I could not understand why the dispute "Tolstoy or Dostoevsky" someone may choose first. It seemed to me that this is nonsense, especially cheesecake factory for the Christian ...
I was young and enthusiastic, and the answer to this puzzling "who can choose cheesecake factory Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky when there." Funny, I did today was going to write about something else, but it turned out. All these arguments about the opposition between the two geniuses just part of my misery about the lack of normality and routine in books, in movies, and in life. Routine and normality is not as manifestations of vulgarity and bydlyachestvo, but in a good way. And Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, or rather their works and characters, it's just very bright counter-examples.
What grips on, for which of the dozens of ideas jostling in my head to fully cover the topic that I have now and always cares? Proceed about writers? Or talk about the miracle of normality and routine? Or tell your impressions about the film in which they live and operate ordinary people? Perhaps cheesecake factory a bit about writers continue. When I was fond of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy cheesecake factory seemed to me incredibly dull and boring, the characters too inexpressive and ordinary, but I really could not even read it. However, not only Tolstoy. To him the company "dull and boring" hit and Turgenev (about longing, nostalgia!) And Leskov. Whether it Dostoevsky - passions are heroes all unbanal, the situation too, but still Christiansen
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