Thursday, November 14, 2013

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Diners, hillbillys and joy! | Cycle Maniac
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I have now spent four days with the family Velazquez. 2 days in their house in Sayre and a day at their farm located 45 minutes by car from the house. I have always been busy with everything. We have been going around visiting traditional American cities which to my surprise is just like in the movies. Small shops everywhere, cafes, diners, and all with that special American touch. We walked ville de montreal and visited Pennsylvania's own little Grand Canyon and shot with a shotgun in the yard. There is always something interesting to do. We have had bright sunshine all the time attributed to it on the internet was that it would rain all week. I even had time for a cinema in Ithaca and an evening around a fire with friends Juans. I also had time to check the item "ride in the back of a pickup truck, mexican style '
Today I am going to take it easy, I'm going to a mobile shop to ask for some information about smart solutions on a subscription with internet. I'll also take the opportunity to cut me, going to the gym and shoot. Tonight, Ann hit and then we set off on a dinner with some friends. Tomorrow I and Ann travel to Ithaca, we will walk around the city and visit places that apparently should be very beautiful! On Thursday, you will decide themselves when the images are uploaded!
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My name is Simon Gullberg and on this page, you can follow me when I bike, paddle, climb, hike and simply exploring all over the world. Last trip: 10, 000 km cycling around Europe and 1000 km of hiking (Camino de Santiago)

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