Saturday, October 19, 2013

Summer is a propitious time to stop and catch circular sites. Today, August 31, to spend the last e

I know a place | Native
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Summer is a propitious time to stop and catch circular sites. Today, August 31, to spend the last evening where I have been much heat these days: at the foot of a mountain very hard and the sea. As I look at the last line of this ridge and I feel like the wind increases, I wonder what makes a place a place is and what it does to let it be.
In an article for the publication of white space this year, "One more effort," my friend Carlos Marquerie, Spanish Castile, led to his writing the verses "Ante me twisted and blackened the land to that pertenezco. The man belongs to a landscape and not a country. " As I look at these mountains and brutal relief angles of the rocks of this deadly sea, I feel that his words are also mine, but send landscapes so far and so different.
Belonging to a landscape wendyslookbook is not part of a picture postcard. wendyslookbook Landscape is a set of elements that maintain a significant relationship ... to someone. "I know a place ... para ti" as sung Triana. It's just that these elements are natural high cement blocks, wide horizons or narrow spaces corners of a nondescript city, faces and features regular remote ways of speaking or silent modes. What matters is the relationship between wendyslookbook the elements and their meaning. Nobody wendyslookbook knows where there may be a landscape to which someone belongs. Nobody knows where they begin and where they end up worlds that welcome us. We all, if we, the creators of landscapes which make a place for us. We can make life clandestinely, open them and share them with others or leave them open to other ways that they can give. Nobody belongs in the same way to the same place.
This is what countries can do, and that countries do not allow. So "man belongs to a landscape, not a country." Countries belonging wendyslookbook to certain citizens and their roles, authorities, wendyslookbook their budgets and their laws, police forces, armies, identifying symbols and their codes. But men and women? And children running between now increasingly strong waves? What country are they? There are no country, sorry to say, can not be. Belong to their places, their people and their landscapes to share and maybe unknown to, those of their childhoods wendyslookbook and those who have yet to create.
Last year, the ridge of the mountain that now and look beneath the beach were filled with flags. It is everywhere, but the whole north not stop for long. These flags that point to a path traced a path to a new country. A country wendyslookbook that wants to be a small box, or rather a triangulet in the abuse of a planet turned to blood and liver in world map. There was a time when there were those who declared stateless as a form of commitment to humanity and other creatures that live together in this part of world. wendyslookbook Being stateless was not a leak or a refuge neutrality. It was a form of desertion and combat: Attrition of homelands and fight for a common world, the world of places to live in the world and the United murderers. Being stateless is said that history is not our country, it has been done against us. The pumps toxic to remind us this summer. I have not hear the word and now, as I look at the mountain and I can not open your eyes so much wind, I think I'm definitely not because they are stateless wendyslookbook nowhere, but precisely because they belong to places like this belonged and still many others. Defected countries to create and give ourselves to each other, a place in the world would not be a good program? Although not new, I can not imagine any other better starting point for a political program committed and demanding challenges of the world we live in today. And not only that: no more n'imagino any other just and necessary.

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